Chapter 1

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Sophies pov.

Many years before

School today,great! I am in year 3 and to be honest school isn't too bad most of the time. But the same as every kid I just prefer to be at home.

I grab my bag then my mum drops me off at school by the gates where I meet up with my friends. As we walk into the play ground I see a boy sat on the wall on his own. I walk over to him because he looks sad and lonely.


"hello"he says very quietly.

"Are you new?"

"yeah"he still looks sad.

"have you got any friends?"


"do you want me to hang out with you?"

"if you want"

"ok"I sit on the wall next to him. Its quiet but it's nice.

"what's your name?"I ask realising I never asked.


"cool,mines sophie"

"nice to meet you"he still looks sad.

"come on our teachers are calling us"

"ok"he gets of the wall and follows me.

"miss! This is jack he's new"

Miss sorts out which class jacks is in and it turns out he's in my class all day so I'm going to make him feel welcome. He sits next to me so I share my pens and pencils. I like jack he's not like other boys,he's quiet and sweet. I think we're gonna be great friends.


"come on jack,we have dinner now and it's chicken nuggets"

"coming"he's acting a lot more lively now.

We run to the dining hall together then we sit on a table together laughing and talking about anything and everything. When we have finished we go and sit on that wall again just talking. I think I may have already found my life time best friend.

End of school.

Me and Jack walk out to find our mums talking so we tell them both about our day together and how much fun we've had. Our mums get each others numbers so that one day we can have tea at the others house. We separate when jack and his mum get to their house. While me and my mum walk I just talk about jack and how I think we are going to be best friends hopefully.

"I'm glad you're being so nice to jack and being friends with him"

"he's not like other boys and I like that"

"good I'm happy for you sweety"

When I get home I try and do my homework but all I can think about is Jack. When I finally finish my homework its time for tea so I tell my dad all about Jack and my day with him.

"Im happy you're friends with not just girls but also boys,as long as he's not your boyfriend"typical over protective dad.

"no dad! He's my friend,the most I want is us to be best friends"

"good lass"he kisses my head.

I watch TV for a while before I go to bed. I dream about me and Jack and about us being best friends.

Sorry it was quite a small chapter but they will get longer,promise.  Hope you still enjoyed it though.

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