Chapter 7

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Sophies pov.

Today I'm having a full studio day with kaitlyn, I can tell we are gonna become really close. I just can't get over the fact shes jacks cousin,well I think she is. I hurt more and more everyday at the fact he still hasn't contacted me. Seeing kaitlyn reminds me of him and that isn't going to help my aching heart. I don't want to be reminded of him but there's noting I can do.

I am already changed and have done my makeup and hair,just need to have some breakfast. I decide to leave now and stop off at McDonalds on the way to the studio. Its only a ten minute walk to the studio so it would only add another five or so minutes onto the walk. I get a hot chocolate and an egg and sausage muffin,my favourite. I decide to grab kaitlyn a coffee as well.

At the studio.

When I arrive at the studio kaitlyn is already there and on her phone. As I walk up behind her I see she's texting jack. Well then it's clear he's just ignoring me,Im extremely annoyed but I can't show that. I calm my self and walk in with a big smile.

"hey kaitlyn"

"hi! Ready for your first day"

"yep"I put on my fake smile.

"I bought you a McDonald's coffee because thats where I went for breakfast"

"thank you"she hugs me.

"that's alright"

"right first thing,your song you wanted to play me. Let's hear it"

I play her the song I wrote about jack. I think it's one of the best I've ever written. Its unbelievable the amount of good songs you can get out of pure anger. As I play her the song I see her just sitting there listening carefully to every word I sing as if she was trying to guess what my inspiration was. I was hoping she didn't recognise me and guess it was all about Jack. When I finish she starts clapping and saying how good it was.

"that was amazing"she hugs me.

"thank you"I blush because I'm only use to geting praise from Jack,her and jack are the only ones that have ever heard any of the songs I've ever written. Our parents know we sing and write songs but we've never shown them so they've never asked.

"your more than welcome,I really hope they hire you"

"so do I,writing songs is my favourite thing to do and it always has been"

"you're amazing at singing as well"I knew I could sing but I was never as good as jack.

"I'm not that good,I'm not the strongest singer"

"all singers are strong in their own way so don't worry"

"ok,thank you kaitlyn"

"that's alright so next have you ever used any of this"she points to all the buttons and microphones and just everything in the room.

"no"I shake my head.

"that's fine,I will teach you"

"ok"We play around with the buttons and she tells me what some of them mean but for the most time we just mess about and laugh. We have the best time together.

"we really haven't done much have we? it's already 3:40"

"omg! I need to leave soon,I need to be home"she nods her head and we pack up.

"I'll see you tomorrow and in a couple of days you're gonna produce a song for a client"

"ok,I'll try"I laugh putting my coat on.

"I'm sure you'll do fine"I hug her and say bye.

"bye sophie"

I leave the studio and walk home. I have a stupid family dinner to go to. I've always had jack with me as I classed him as my family and all my family liked him but he's not here for this one. I don't think any of my family know so they're gonna be surprised when he's not with us.

I get changed into a nice dress and do my hair and makeup again. Before I do all that I take a quick shower. When I'm ready I head down stairs to see my mum and dad waiting.
We arrive at the restaurant,we are all meeting at,and everybody was already there. As I had thought they were surprised to see jacks not with us. I slumped down on my chair waiting for somebody to ask me where jack was.

"ok then I'll ask her,wheres jack darling"I just glare then answer.

"he left for England to be in a boyband"I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

It goes dead silent after that. I can't handle the tension.

"is anybody going to speak or are you just gonna sit there and feel sorry for me"I spit at nobody in particular.

"Sophie! Don't say that"My mum scolds.

"it's true"I get up and leave the restaurant not being able to handle it.

Nobody comes after me so I just carry on walking home letting out a few tears as I take a slow stroll. I would have been ok if everybody left it but they just decided to sit there and feel sorry for me. I hate when people do that especially when Im trying to get over it. When I get home I simply get ready for bed and watch a few films.

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