Books Written by LilyAvenue

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A b o u t.  T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: Lily Avenue

☮Age: A teenager.

☮Gender: Female

☮What got you writing?: My mom became a published author. When I saw her book I thought, "I want that, too". That plus the fact that I've always loved writing, both stories and poetry, and was always plagued with tons of story plots floating around my head- it just made sense that writing was something I wanted to do.

☮What genres do you like to write?: Mostly Romance, Teen Fiction, Humor, and Poetry. Though I do enjoy experimenting with Action/Adventure and Fantasy/SciFi.

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?!(J.K. Rowling?! Someone big like that, or just sell your story on sites?!): I'd really love to become a published author one day both ebook-wise and real book-wise. J.K. Rowling? That's dreaming.

☮Anything coming up?!(New books, Sequal?!): Of course I've always got new ideas, but I like to complete a few stories at a time and then post new ones. But yeah, this summer there's definitely new stuff coming. :) 


★Title: Something Beautiful

★Subtitle: -

★Summary: What is beauty? A skinny waist. A perfect head of blond hair. Flawless complexions. Loads of makeup. Is that really beauty? Well in the world Elena lives in, that seems to be the case. But what about when she herself, a girl with none of that, is told she's beautiful by a boy she's never met? Can she accept that she just might be beautiful- though not to everyone- but to someone? Or will she fight the notion and drive a wedge between herself and a man just trying to help her see. Follow Elena as she tries to find her way to beauty and Caleb who just wants to help her see that to him- she's already there

★Genre: Teen Fiction | Romance | Humor


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