Books Written by xpazziepenguinx

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A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name:P.A Zaragoza



☮What got you writing?:That is tough. I think it was just the idea of writing things that I had imagined. It was like writing my own little world. There wasn't a person or anything like that it was just the fact that I could create something magical (at least I hope it is magical) when I wrote.

☮What genres do you like to write?:Mostly Teen fiction based things, being that I am a teenager. I also sub categorize Humor or Romance, sometimes Adventure. It really just depends on the story, but they are almost always about teen kids, I don't write much else.

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?:Well I do aspire to be an author, I just think it would be absolutely amazing and if I could be as big as J.K Rowling (or even better meet her) I think I would faint, ha.

☮Anything coming up?:Right now I have 5 books that are in progress and Three Ideas that I have already written out, but I am not posting anything new. The Stowaways is the last new thing I will post until I have at least finished another book. I am terrible when it comes to finishing things, because I always find something I want to write about more, terrible, terrible habit. But once I do finish a story I plan on posting another one called Alpha. Theta. Nu, but you will have to wait to hear more about it.


★Title: The Stowaways


★Summary: One dare freshman year and Sawyer has sworn them off. Nothing can make her go through the emotional and physical drama again. But after being confronted by some random girls at a musical festival with her best friend, Marlyn, she finds herself in another compromising position. One she thought she could avoid. Now, she finds herself on tour with a semi-famous band. But could this life altering dare be good? Will it lead her to new friendships and maybe even love? Or will it be as disastrous as stealing baseball hotty, Robbie Fletcher's, jock strap?

★Genre: Adventure | Humor


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