Books Written by ninjasrashum2

117 4 1

A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: e. Johnson


☮What got you writing?!(Inspired you?!): Well, some personal experiences are what really got me to write. (Most of the events in my stories actually happened to me) The fact that I had a dream to be just like my favorite author and be on the YA list one day was also a factor.

☮What genres do you like to write?! Mostly Teen Fiction and Humor (Even though my funny meter is low)

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?!(J.K. Rowling?! Someone big like that, or just sell your story on sites?!) I would love to be the next Sarah Dessen, Judy Blume, or Suzanne Collins.

☮Anything coming up?!(New books, Sequal?!) Not in the near future.


★Title: Love: Abridged

★Subtitle: Does Love Really Conquer All

★Summary: Roxy Willow has messed up... big time. After visiting her cousin in Chicago, she might have been on the other end of a very bad and illegal bet. She might have lied about her age to people. And she might have fallen in love with someone that it's impossible to be with. Horrible lies, terrible secrets and a slightly insane cousin had Roxy making the biggest mistake of her life. Follow Roxy as she tells what happened and why she did what she did that eventful summer in Chicago.

★Genre: Teen Fiction | Romance | Humor


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