Books Written by ScarletGameWriters (going for evilist villian)

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A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: This is Evie typing... This account is shared by 4 other people ( @Davidwilson,@xXLilMissSweetheart, @vico96, and @Simply_Mia)

☮Age: I just turned 16 this year :))

☮Gender: I'm female.. vico- male, david- male, mia- female- and alessia- female.

☮What got you writing?!(Inspired you?!): The fact that you can write what ever you want with no limits.. i just love that :DD

☮What genres do you like to write?!: thriller and adventure

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?!(J.K. Rowling?! Someone big like that, or just sell your story on sites?!): I really want to be come like J.K. Rowling hahaa it's my dream

☮Anything coming up?!(New books, Sequal?!): We're still finishing this one but so far it's REALLY doing good :D


★Title: Game of Death

★Subtitle: The Scarlet Lady

★Summary: Four girls are being tortured by a woman dressed in scarlet. Melissa, Sarah, Alia, and Mona were once best friends, but a decision they made ruined them forever. Now, they have to attempt to kill each other or else their loved ones will die. Each of the girls thinks it is just them that are being threatened, but they soon find out that someone has it out for all of them. Sure, they could just tell the police, but then their deathly little secret will get out. It's that secret that is holding the group together, but also what is driving them their death should I say. The Scarlet Lady knows their secret and she's making more. They think they're such great friends, but would good friends try to kill each other? Each secret is like a move on the game board. Not to the end, but to fulfilled vengeance. When will the Game of Death end?

★Genre: Thriller | Watty Awards 2012


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