Chapter 21

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His soft lips on mine, his big arms and hands wrapping me closely. It was something I wished for 20 years. It's not exactly what I would have imagined, I thought he would come as Nick not reborn as other human being, but it's a minor detail, isn't it?

Wait, he maybe Nick, but he's James' friend. He's 20 years younger than me. That thought made me pushed him from me. He looked at me frowning. "What's wrong?"

I looked at him and said, "we can't do this. You're James' friend."

His eyes rolled and smirked, "we both knew that, but it didn't stop us."

"Well, it is, now."

He moved a bit away and asked, "are you saying you don't want to give us a chance?"

"No! nothing like that." I said to him. How could I reject him, he's here with me finally.

"That's a relieve." He said while smiling so sweetly to me. "So, we find the right time and tell him, explain to him. Okay?"

I nodded. There's a controlling nature in him as Nick always have. He's young but independent. He pulled me to his chest and I leaned there for awhile until the sun already on top of me.

"go get some rest. You must be tired."

He nodded and gave me a quick kiss before he left.

I went to the kitchen and felt this urgent needs to tell someone. I called Allie. "Hi, it's me."

"Hi Mia. Want to have lunch here?"

"Don't think so. James is sleeping. He's tired. Do you have time? I mean, I need to talk about something, and if it's okay with you-"

"Of course. Mia, don't get weird up on me. We're friends. Right?"

"Yes. Thanks. I'm coming over now. See you soon."

I wrote a note and went to James' room. He was still sleeping. I sticked the note on the door and went out.

I parked at my usual place and walked inside the restaurant from the back door, directly to her office.

"Allie!" I called while knocking.

She opened the door and let me in.

"Hey, Mia. You want to talk while lunch? I'm kind of starving."

"Okay," I said to her. We walked out and grab a table. "I ordered already. I ordered you your favorite. Is that okay?"

"Yes. It's fine." I said.

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" She asked me.

"I, I," hesitated for a moment, "I met someone."

She beamed and squealed, "oh my god. Really?"

I nodded and smiled.

"I'm so happy for you, Mia. Who is he? Do I know him? When can I meet him?"

I chuckled to see her reaction, "his name is Nicholas."

Her expression quickly changed, "what?"

"He's Nick, Allie. He reborn again as a young man named Nicholas ... " I didn't even know his last name. "Okay, I don't know his last name."

"Nick's reborn again?" Her eyes were wet now. I knew she missed him too.

"I don't know for sure, but he looks like him. A lot."

"Mia," she said, "I don't think you should be with him. I mean, he must have been only 19 years old, right?"

I nodded.

"What will James think about it?" She asked me.

The food served to us and we waited until Rebeka, the waitress moved along so we could speak in private again.

"Actually, this is what worries me. He's James' friend. He introduced me to him."

Her eyes were widened and said, "oh my god. This is bad. This is very bad."

"Come on Allie. For 20 years, this is the first time in my life, I finally feel alive again. I love him so much and you know that."

"I do, Mia. I understand your feeling completely. And no matter what, I will support you. I don't care what James think or what others think. I will right behind you." She said as if she was not joking.

I laughed and she laughed with me.

"We like teenagers, aren't we?" She asked while still laughing. A 65-year-old woman talking to a forty-year-old woman about a nineteen-year-old boy. There's a name for women like that, you know?"

I laughed even louder and said, "I know."

"Mom!" James voice stopped our laugh immediately and made us turned our gaze to the source of the sound.

James followed by Nicholas were walking to our table.

"Grandma!" He called her and gave her a giant hug.

"James, I've missed you."

James released his holding hands and said, "missed you too. But I'm here now, for 3 months."

She smiled and pushed an empty table next to us so we could all sit together.

"Grandma, this is my friend, Nicholas."

She frowned awhile and shook his hand, "nice to meet you Nicholas."

"Nice to meet you too mrs. Brown."

"Oh stop that, just call me Allie." She said playfully.

"Thank you Allie."

James was going to sit next to me but Allie held his hand and asked him to sit next to her. I knew she did that on purpose but I was glad that she really supported me on this.

"What do you want to order?" I asked them after they turned the pages of the menu few times.

"I'll have roasted chicken." James said.

"I'll have the same but with extra butter." Nicholas said and passed the menu to Rebeka. "What?" He asked me and Allie who stared at him.

Nick always order it with extra butter.

"So," Allie turned to James and said, "tell grandma everything for the last 6 months."

James smiled and chatted constantly to Allie. I listened to him and sometimes Allie asked questions. It was fun listening to them.

"I don't trust you. You must have dated." Allie said to him when he said he didn't have anything excited about his love life.

"Well, some, a date or two. But that's all. No one I liked much so far." He said. Then he looked at Nicholas and said, "but this friend of mine, he has a girlfriend."

Those words cut my heart opened wide. But then Nicholas held my hand under the table and placed it in his thigh before he said, "yes, I have. She's beautiful."

Allie frowned and asked, "what's her name?"

She's fishing in the bad sea.

He blushed.

And James said ahead of him, "okay, you won't believe it. But his girl's name us the same as mom's."

"Mia?" Allie asked. "What a coincidence. Not only his name is Nicholas, like your late husband, my son, your dad." Allie said, gazing one by one to me and James. "His girlfriend's name is same as yours."

"Yeah, right?" James said agreeing.

Oh my, things can be worse.

"Okay, no more about him. He doesn't like talking about his girl. I even knew her name because he speaks when he's sleeping."

"Wow," Allie said, "you dreamt about her often?"

He nodded and he squeezed my hand, warming my heart.

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