Chapter 4

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Nick POV

I was waiting for her to say something after we both quiet for few minutes already but then she looked at me and said, “It’s not like that. I just not used to it. You may be surrounded by people who hugs but not me.”

I knew it wasn’t just as simple as that because she didn’t shiver when my mom or Nana hugged her.  It’s only me. But I didn’t want to push her. She seemed so fragile. “I see,” I said lightly, “How’s your first day?”

She smiled beautifully as it enlightened the whole coffee shop, “It was good, I guess. Your mom taught me about the menu, the food and how to wait on table. It’s fun too.”

“That’s good,” I said with a huge grin on my face. I looked at her and there’s weird urge in me wanting her close. My alarm went off, a sign that my break will be finished in 5 minutes.

“Do you need to go?” She asked me with those pleading eyes of her.

“Yeah, my break almost up,” I sighed, feeling time was not in my side today. “It’s still raining and I only have few patients, maybe around an hour. Do you want to wait for me? I can drive you back.”


We then walked to the hospital, just across the street, I asked her where she wanted to wait, and she chose waiting room.

I greeted my patients who were there already and went to a corner to have her sit there and went inside.

As a pediatrician, I love interacting with both parents and children. My colleagues said that it’s probably because I have a very warm family that it runs that way in my vein already. I love what I do and grateful for it, because I knew that not many people can say that.

After my last patient, I went to clean up and my nurse, Nancy came to me. “Doctor, who’s the patient that comes with you? She hasn’t registered yet.”

“She’s not a patient, she’s waiting for me,” I said lightly. “See you tomorrow Nancy.”

I went out and saw her was sleeping but she was not peacefully asleep. Her eyelids moved, showing she’s having a nightmare. I sat next to her and heard her whimpered softly and when she’s started to shake I held her, knowingly she might had the nightmare again.

I placed my left arm around her shoulder and my other hand rubbing her arm, pushing her head to my shoulder, “Shhh… it’s okay. Everything will be alright. I’m here.” I repeated those words until she was peacefully asleep. I was relieved that I could calm her and gave her a good sleep. I waited there for hours and still I wasn’t bored to sit there with her. Of course I was a bit embarrassed because many people were eyeing on us, but after few people I finally didn’t feel anything.

I let my head leaned to hers and I was surprised when I felt her arms holding my waist and after few minutes she was like moving from the chair to my lap. I couldn’t help but grinned hugely and held her closer.

“Hey, what the hell are you doing?” My fellow doctor friend, Ralph stood in front of me frowning.

I placed my finger at my mouth, giving sign to him not to say something loudly.

He then mouthed to me, “Your girlfriend?”

I smiled to him, making him more curious, but finally I mouthed back to him, “No, but I hope so.”

It was a surprise that I felt that way, only by knowing her for less than a day. But it was what I felt in my heart and I won’t deny it.

He was starting to laugh and suddenly we heard from the speaker a calling for all available doctors to help in the ER.

Ralph quickly leave me and I was spontaneously going to stand up didn’t even aware that I was holding Mia which made me shook her and she’s awake instantly.

“Ehm…” She was confused, a moment she saw me and next she was looking down, aware that she’s on my lap, “I’m so sorry.” She stood up immediately and that made her get woozy.

“Are you alright?” I quickly stood up and held her waist.

She blushed amazingly, made her looked like an apple there. She was even more beautiful, making me want to hold her and never let go.

“You were asleep when I finished. And I didn’t want to wake you so I waited. I, ah – “ I wonder is it better to tell the truth or made something up, “You whimpered in your sleep so I held you and I was thinking maybe it’s more comfortable sleeping in my arms. I’m sorry.”

She frowned at me but then she said “Thank you.”

“I need to go to ER first. They request help. I’m sorry but seemed that you need to wait again. If you want, you can drive my car back. It’s getting late.”

She looked at the clock on the wall and it’s 8 already, “It’s okay. I will wait for you.”

I looked at her, so happy that she wanted to wait. “I won’t be long then.”

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