Chapter 15

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Nick's POV

"Why she remembered?" I asked Gabriel. I was so sure that Gabriel said no one would remember.

Gabriel was so calm that my interrogation didn't disturb him.

"Gabriel," I followed him who was walking toward a big willow tree.

"Why are you mad Nicholas?" He asked with flat tone.

I felt anger inside me, that even though I tried not to show it but Gabriel knew. Michael and Gabriel sat on a block of wood under the willow tree while I stood in front of him and then I sat on the ground.

"She suffered enough, I don't want her to suffer even more," I said to them, "you're right. It was stupid of me asking you to change the variables and return the time."

"But you did and we did." Gabriel said.

"Did you meet Lucy?" Michael asked me in casual way as if she's our ally.

"Yeah, by the door. Why?" I didn't know why Lucy has something todo with this. Lucy was a fallen angel. She's with other angels rebelled and made the Creator furious that HE threw them all from their holly angelic form to this earth. Lucy was a seducer, she was one of the famous angel with sweet talks and high skill of persuasion.

"She's the one that causing her to remember," Gabriel said. "She's angry with us for what we did."

I started to understand, Mia never remembered. When she was sedated, evil was in her that planted the previous memory and made her confuse.

"Is Lucy still in her?" I asked them.

"Do you feel her when you're with Mia?" Michael asked.

"No," I answered him.

"What we predict was true then," Michael said, followed by Gabriel nodded along. "You're more an angel than human at this moment because of the change, and after you remembered, you're an angel in human form, like Gabriel and Rafael's angels, you're not from the dust anymore. Which means..."

"A war..." I said.

I remember thousands of years ago, an angel named Camael fell in love with human that he used his power to save her from the fallen angels who claimed her to hell. Camael gained michael and Gabriel's support that we fought against fallen angels. It was ugly, earth was on chaos and all humans suffered.

"It's inevitable." Gabriel said, "we must meet Raphael." He said that to Michael.

Michael nodded to him and then he looked to me, "go back to her. You have to be joined as one. Do it fast."

I understood what he meant. I went out and got passed to even more angels in Loria. Michael and Gabriel were calling their angels for preparing to war.

It was morning when I exited the angels dwell. I drove back to my home and went to my bedroom where I saw my beautiful Mia lying on my bed sleeping. I kneeled beside her and caressed her hair. I gave her a kiss and her eyes slowly opened.

"You're home."

I looked to her and felt home, "I am."

She sleepily sat on the edge and laid her self in my arms. We enjoyed that closeness for a while.

"Go take a shower. We're going to the church." I said to her.

She looked confuse but she didn't say anything. She obeyed me. After she went to the bathroom, I went to the kitchen and called my dad.

"Hi, it's me."

"Good morning," he said with slightly sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, good morning, I ah..." I was a bit hesitated, don't know how to say. "I don't know what to say. I'm sure it's a big surprise for you, well...", I took my pause and then I said, "I'm going to propose to a girl and get married soon."

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