Chapter 14

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Nick POV

"I just don't buy it. She's lying," I said to officer Williams and Ann, my friend who also this Mia Thompson's psychiatrist now.

"She seemed didn't lie to me." Williams said while opening the files again.

"Well I certainly sure I never met her before," I said loudly now.

The three of us were sitting in Rosewood police station in william's office. We were discussing Mia Thompson's case.

"Dr. Miller, what do you think?"

"Well, first of all, she didn't tell me everything honestly. I asked how her sleep was and she said she slept like a baby but when it cross checked with the nurse, she told me that she was awake the whole night. I cannot cross check all her statements though so I can't make a conclusion."

"I don't think she's lying," Williams said. Earning our stares. "Come on, she's just awake, finally conscious after months being high unwillingly, how quick and smart she is that she could come up with a story like that."

He's actually making a good point. "But I really don't know her."

"Why don't you let your nana meet her?" Ann advised me.

"Are you freaking mad?!" I yelled at her, "she's mentally not healthy and you want my nana to meet her?"

"She's harmless. She suffered from sexual abuse for years, for god's sake. Have a bit compassion, will you Nick?" Ann yelled me back.

She was right. I was too annoyed the fact that she claimed me as her boyfriend that I neglected the fact how hard her life was.

"Look, lying or not, I suggest you not to shut her out completely. Listening to all of your stories and to her directly, you are her anchor. Whether it's hallucination or not, in her heart and mind, you are. She needs an anchor now to help her survive this. She needs a reason to fight to survive. And you can be her reason."

I looked at her and hated it. But she's right.

I returned back to the hospital and filled in some papers to discharge Mia. Then I went to her room. She was sitting by the window when I came in. She looked so beautiful, with her black hair beautifully curled down until her waist and some light stray to her face from the sun set made her looked serene.

"Nick," she called me, destroyed my moments admiring her beauty, "I'm sorry. Dr. Brown."

I smiled to her, "how do you feel? Any discomfort? Pain?"

"I'm good," she said with a warm smile.

"Good, you can go home now. There will be some papers given to you by the nurse." I said plainly and left her.

I checked on my other patients and I went home. It was around nine at night when I arrived at my home. I parked my car and I saw her at the corner of my eyes. I climbed down from my car and took a gaze to her who was sitting on my porch, curving like a ball. It was cold but she didn't wear warm clothes.

I walked to her and fell to my knees, took a hold of her arms, "miss Thompson?"

She lifted her head and looked at me, she looked so afraid and sad. "I'm sorry. I didn't know where to go. I only remembered this place." Her tears streaming down and she said, "I'm sorry. I really didn't know where to go."

I took a deep breath, couldn't believe her but I knew how hard her life was. Maybe by keeping this hallucination it would help her to fight and struggle. "Let's go inside." I said in surrender.

We came in and she seemed to know exactly my place was. It was eery.

"Have you eaten?" I asked her.

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