Chapter 17

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Time starts to become irrelevant for Scott, seconds feeling like minutes and minutes feeling like hours. Scott tries to curl up a bit more, trying to preserve any body warmth he has left. Scott just hopes that maybe his friends will be able to stop Theo before it's too late. Maybe Stiles will be able to stop Theo. It'll help make Scott's death a little less pointless. As Scott lies there on the floor, slowly dying, his whole body seeming to become more stiff and hard to move, Scott starts to wonder how he could have gotten to this point. He wonders what things he could have done differently to avoid this. He also wonders how he could have been so stupid to trust Theo so blindly. Stiles had been right about Theo all along. Now that Scott thinks about it, both Stiles and Derek were probably right about Scott too. You can't just be completely in love with someone after meeting them just that day. It takes time. Scott starts to think he was just lonely and in desperate need of company, which is what Theo seemed to offer, before he decided to betray and backstab Scott. The young McCall just wishes he got time to apologize to Stiles for everything and admit that he was right about Theo.

Eventually, after what feels like forever, but probably is only 10 minutes, Scott can hear heels clicking down the hallway towards the door. Scott's werewolf senses aren't working right now, but he has a big hunch that might be Lydia, considering she is wearing heels today, and probably the only one still doing so. Scott hears as the person tries to open the door, so he starts moving himself out the way for them. Scott looks up in time to see the door burst open and Lydia comes bursting through the door, breathing heavily.

"Scott!" Lydia gasps in horror as she rushes over to Scott and helps him sit up, quickly rubbing his arms and shoulders, trying to warm him up as best as she can. She then grabs the blankets that have been strewn everywhere and throws them around Scott. Lydia then grabs the mobile heater, moves it closer to Scott and herself and then quickly turns it on.

"There, that must be a little better." Lydia says comfortingly, going back to rubbing Scott's shoulders. She tries not to worry too much about how all of Scott's hair is white now, another step closer for him to be frozen solid.

"Lydia? W-what are you doing here?" Scott asks weakly and in confusion.

"Theo told us the kiss didn't work and that your condition has only gotten worse. He was crying and everything. He then said that he was going to try and look for Stiles so you can be with your best friend one more time before you die." Lydia explains with a slight frown, still not trusting or liking what Theo told her.

"L-Lydia, y-you can't trust h-him..." Scott stutters in warning, his eyes going wide, his hand grabbing onto Lydia's tightly. The banshee flinches at how cold Scott's hand is.

"I know, Scott. I never liked Theo. To me, there was always something off about him. Besides, I don't even really know him, so how can I trust him?" Lydia answers.

"He's going to kill Stiles. He wanted to come here and make a pack, but without me in it. Since he knows that Stiles would never agree and would probably ruin his plans, Theo wants to kill Stiles. He would've killed me, but I'm practically dead already..." Scott explains sadly, feeling terrible for ever trusting Theo. Lydia gazes at Scott with horror.

"What?" Lydia gasps in shock.

"I'm sorry... I should have never trusted Theo. Now you are all in danger because of me." Scott sighs, looking down at the ground, wishing he never bumped into Theo at Stiles' party. Then again, Theo would have found another way to get to Scott, so it doesn't really matter in the end.

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