Chapter 15

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Stiles wakes up quite a while later on a cold, hard floor. Stiles groans in pain, the back of his throbbing from where the crossbow had hit him. Stiles opens his eyes and manages sits up slowly to find that he's in a dark room with no windows. There's nothing much in here at all really. Just the floor, the ceiling, a door and the walls. And the chains hooked up to one of the walls. Wait, what?

Stiles starts to stand up and tries to walk towards the door, but he's restrained and pulled back by something. He looks down and stares in horror at the chains and handcuffs that surround his wrists and connect all the way back to the wall. Stiles tries tugging them off, creating a lot of jingling with the chains, but nothing much else. The chains don't loosen at all. Stiles stares at them, wondering what the hell he is going to do. He has no way of even knowing where he is. He can't even look out a window to see what sort of landscape is surrounding him. Right now, Stiles could be anywhere, which does not help Stiles' panic and fear at all. Stiles walks around the room (as far as the chains will allow him), trying to find anything that could lead him to an escape, but he finds nothing. He has a suspicious feeling that he's in someone's basement, judging from the cold floors, no windows and the darkness, but that's just a hunch.

Stiles grunts in the effort of trying to pull on the chains again, but it's no use. If anything, he's just making his wrists sore. Stiles makes a noise of frustration, hating the feeling of being trapped. Stiles knows he has to find a way out of here. He can't be here. He could be putting people in danger if he's here... Wherever here is. Stiles looks around desperately and hopelessly, trying to see anything that might be helpful, even though he knows there won't be. He doesn't have anything else to do though. Stiles wants to keep his mind distracted so his powers don't go out of control again.

Suddenly, the door to the basement opens, making Stiles jump. He looks over to the open door, light streaming in. Stiles sees Chris standing in the doorway, staring at Stiles sorrowfully.

"Whats going on? Why am I here? Why were you with those hunters trying to kill me?" Stiles asks Chris Argent suspiciously.

"I wasn't going to let them kill you, Stiles. I know you better than they ever would want to. I know you're not a killer and that you're just afraid as much as everyone else is, if not more." Chris explains.

"You should have let them kill me. They were right. I'm putting everyone in danger." Stiles sighs sadly, looking down at the ground.

"No. There will be a better way to solve this situation rather than just killing you." Chris says determinedly.

"How?" Stiles asks desperately, attempting to take a few steps towards Chris, but is pulled back again by the chains connected to the wall. Chris doesn't answer, and Stiles knows that it's because Chris doesn't have an answer.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Stiles asks, genuinely curious about this question. Sure, him and Chris never had any arguments, but they were never close. Stiles could imagine Chris doing this with Scott, but himself? It just doesn't seem right, the whole situation confusing Stiles. Chris sighs and Stiles watches as his expression saddens.

"I couldn't save my wife or my daughter. They both died. I'm on my own, and I'll be damned if I let the same thing happen to others. Scott would be without a best friend. Your dad would be without a son or a wife. He would be just like me. Besides, I don't want to see anymore innocent people die." Chris tells Stiles truthfully.

"You've got so much potential, Stiles. You're a bright kid, I know that. I also know that you're afraid, and that's okay. What you need to know is that there are people that want to help you and there will be a way to get through this. You can stop this winter." Chris adds in a serious voice.

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