Chapter 13

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After many hours of driving, Derek finally makes it back to the animal clinic. The roads are buried under a lot more snow than they were when they had first left. Buildings are also coated in snow as well, icicles hanging off trees and window sills. Despite it being late morning, possibly early afternoon, Derek is a little surprised to see that the whole town is still as dark as it was when they had left, though he guesses that the sudden winter storm is blocking any sunlight from getting through, and no sunlight will continue to get through until the magically conjured storm clouds disappear. Due to all the snow and ice, Derek takes a lot longer to drive through town to get to the animal clinic, as it is hard to drive through snow and he doesn't want the car to slip on the ice and crash into something or someone.

Scott is still going in and out of sleep, so he barely notices how different Beacon Hills looks. All he knows is that he feels really cold and weak, only trembling slightly as the hypothermia or whatever it is wears down his energy. Scott opens his eyes and looks around to notice that they are parked in front of the animal clinic, the wind howling from outside, the blizzard so thick you can hardly see. Scott shivers again, but only slightly. He feels cold right down to his very bones. He's sure that this isn't normal, especially with the apparent whitening of his hair.

"Derek? What's happening to me?" Scott asks as he looks over at Derek with a worried frown.

"I don't know. That's why we are here at Deaton's animal clinic. We are going to find out." Derek assures the younger werewolf. Derek then gets out of the car, and Scott follows suit. As he gets out of the car though, his knees are so weak that Scott almost falls over, but Derek manages to rush forward and catch him. He helps Scott stand upright and they stumble their way through the blizzard, towards the entrance of the animal clinic. Eventually, the two werewolves get there and Derek opens the door, letting Scott and himself inside before quickly shutting it again, not wanting too much snow to get inside.

"Deaton? Where are you? Scott's hurt!" Derek shouts out as he sees that Deaton isn't at the counter. After a few moments, Deaton appears from one of the back rooms and hurries forward faster as he sees the state that Scott is in. Deaton catches Scott before he almost falls over again, Deaton frowning in concern as he helps Scott onto a seat. Scott sits there, trying to wrap his jacket more tightly around him, still shivering every now and again, his eyes continuing to droop shut every few moments. His skin is becoming more pale too. Deaton gazes up at Derek.

"What happened?" Deaton asks worriedly.

"I don't know, all I saw was that some of Stiles' ice magic hit Scott in the chest." Derek answers, feeling nervous. He should have never let Scott go in there alone. He shouldn't have waited as long as he did to go after Scott. Maybe he could've prevented this from happening.

"It felt like it hit my heart..." Scott adds as he looks up at Deaton with worried eyes. Deaton's face grows more worried and Deaton sighs sadly, giving Scott a sympathetic look.

"What does it mean?" Scott frowns up at the veterinarian.

"It means that Stiles froze your heart, Scott." Deaton explains solemnly.

"What?" Scott gasps in shock, his stomach feeling like it is dropping into the floor. He can't believe that this is happening. He shakes his head in denial.

"No, no way. Stiles would never do that." Scott says, not even knowing what the consequences of a frozen heart are.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to do hurt you, Scott. As I warned you before you guys left though, he was afraid and alone. It wouldn't take much to make him accidentally set off his powers, which are already out of control. It's not really Stiles' fault, and I am certain he wouldn't have wanted to hurt you." Deaton tries to assure Scott.

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