Happily Ever After (part 2)

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Natsu's pov
I feel like I'm gonna barf,my palms are sweaty,and I'm nervous. I've never been this nervous before and usually when I'm nervous Lucy calms me down,but everyone keeps saying it's bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony. Plus when I tried to go see her she and her bridesmaids all said the same thing.I'm currently pacing back and forth in the dressing room they put me and my groomsmen in. "Natsu would you stop pacing already your gonna be fine." Gray was trying to calm me down,but it wasn't working.
"I'd be more fine if I could see her."
"Dude you're getting married in 20 minuets just be patient."
I finally sat down slumped back into the chair. "This is gonna be the longest 20 minuets of my life."

Lucy POV
"Hey girl you ok?" My maid of honor ,Levy, snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah just a little nervous." I clenched my hands hands which were drenched with sweat. "You better hope Natsu doesn't see you like that." Levy started chucking and so did my other bridesmaids. I looked on the mirror. I had a serious resting bitch face at the moment which made me start laughing with them.

We all stopped when we heard a knock at the door. "Come in." Levy said. My dad was standing in the door way smiling. "Lucy you look beautiful." "Thanks dad." Juvia,Erza,Wendy,and Levy all started filing out of the room to line up. "See ya." Levy shot me a playful wink and walked out with the rest of the girls.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter as I grabbed my dads arm. I keep telling myself that I'll be fine,but it doesn't stop me from grabbing my fathers arm really hard.

"It's ok Lucy I was nervous on the day of my marriage too." I looked up at my dad who had tears in the corners of his eyes.
"Yup I still remember the feeling and when I saw your beautiful mom it intensified,but once I grabbed her hands it completely disappeared."
I smiled up at my father and nodded feeling more confident know that he himself was nervous too. We began to walk out and we now stood in front of big white doors.

Natsu Pov
My mom was walking me down the aisle since it was a dragneel family tradition for the men to be escorted by their mothers to the alter. My mom kissed me on the cheek and sat down after she walked me down. Mavis was asked to be the minister and Zeref was sitting in the crowd with their son August.

This was it my groomsmen and best man,Gray,were by my side and all of Lucy's bridesmaids were standing across from us. The music started playing and the large doors opened.

The first thing I saw was Plue with a little pillow on his back that had the rings on it. His entrance caused the whole crowd to "aww".Then after him followed two of my little cousins spreading flower petals down the aisle which caused the same response as before.Plue  stood next to me in the middle between where Lucy and I would be standing.

Finally I saw what I had been waiting to see for so long;Lucy and she looked more beautiful than I had ever imagined she would.

Finally I saw what I had been waiting to see for so long;Lucy and she looked more beautiful than I had ever imagined she would

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(Lucy's dress)

(Lucy's hair)Her dress was beautiful and her hair looked amazing

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(Lucy's hair)
Her dress was beautiful and her hair looked amazing. She was so breathtaking that it was well worth the wait. I was grinning ear to ear at this point and so was she I couldn't contain my happiness. All I wanted to do was say "I do"and leave,but I knew I couldn't so I stood patiently waiting for her to be by my side.

Lucy and her father were now standing in front of us. He kissed her on the cheek and turned towards me with his hand. I shook it and we both nodded at each. I grabbed Lucy's hands as he took his place next to my parents and Mavis began.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered her today to witness the marriage of Mr.Natsu Dragneel and Ms.Lucy Heartfilia. If anyone should object to this marriage, please speak now or forever hold your peace." The room was filled with silence as we waited,but no one spoke so Mavis continued on. "The bride and groom will now exchange vows."

Mavis looked towards me and I began, "Lucy, I promise to love you forever. When you are sick I will take care of you,when your sad I will comfort you,and when your happy I will be happy with you. You are my world and will honor and love you forever." I finished speaking and looked into Lucy's sparkling brown eyes which were filled with a few tears.

Mavis looked toward Lucy and she began her vows. "Nastu, when you are and idiot I will be one with you." This comment caused everyone to laugh including myself,but I was a little annoyed that she said that. "I promise to share all my moments with you Good and bad forever and I promise to love you forever as well." Once she finished we both looked each other in the eyes. I could see the amount of love she had for me and I hoped that I was showing the same in my eyes.

"Now then will the bride and groom please retrieve their rings." With that Lucy and I both crouched down to grab the rings from Plues little pillow. When Lucy bent down Plue got excited and licked her face. Everyone began to laugh including Lucy as she pet his head. We both stood up and looked towards Mavis. "Please place your rings on each other's fingers." We did as we were told and looked in each other's eyes once again waiting for those final two sentences . "By the power vested in me...I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Once she got to bride I instantly leaned in putting one hand behind Lucy's head and holding her hand with the other. I could hear everyone clap as we shared one of the longest and sweetest kisses we've ever had.

Lucy pulled away and left looked in my eyes. I looked back at her and picked her up bridal style carrying her out of the reception hall.

Lucy has a second dress that's shorter so she can dance . Knowing this I decided to have a little fun with her since she wanted to poke fun at me during the ceremony."Want some help getting changed?" Lucy's face instantly went red and she began to squirm to get out of my grasp. "Natsu please put me down." I chuckled and complied with her request . "So how's it feel to be Mrs.Drageel?" Lucy rolled her eyes at me and then cupped my cheeks in her hands. "It feels great." She kiss me after that then pulled away and smiled at me.

"I'll be out in a second,so why don't you go take your jacket off I know you want to." I nodded and we parted ways.

A/n: I'm gonna write two more parts which is a second part to the wedding and the original part I talked about. Love you all so much thanks for reading.

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