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Lucy POV
With my mind made up I decided to go ask for my fathers permission to have a sleep over with  my friends. I also decided to invite Levy,Gajeel,Gray,Juvia,my friend from another class Erza, and her boyfriend Jellal. I walked downstairs I was still in my bathing suit, but I had a cover up on. I knocked on the door and my father beckoned me into his study." Father I was wondering if cou-" "I said you could do whatever you wanted with your day." My father interrupted so I just replied, "Yes thank you father." I silently exited the study and texted all my friends. I went back to the pool waiting for their answers. I watched as Wendy Romeo had a splash fight. Natsu was no where to be seen.

Natsu POV

I could see Lucy was looking around for me so I decided to play a little joke on her.I decided to sneak up behind her into a blind spot when she turned back around I snuck up behind her. Slowly I got closer to her ear and then I whispered," Were you looking for me?" "*Gasp* You idiot!" *smack* Lucy Smacked me across my face." Ow!what the hell why did you smack me?" "Because you scared me." "Well at least apologize!" "Fine I'm sorry your such an idiot." We bickered back and forth like and old married couple." Oh! Levy texted me she said that everyone will be here in an hour." Lucy got up from her pool chair. "Where ya goin?" "Huh? Oh, I have to tell the chefs to prepare more food as well as get you guys pajamas. Since I have to do that do you mind rounding up those two so we can all shower." "Yeah sure." I told Lucy as she began to walk away." 'Ey Romeo,Wendy get out and dry off." "Why Natsu?" "We have to shower also we're spending the night all our friends are coming over." "Ok." Both of the freshman said in unison as they got out. Lucy came back and had two pairs of pants draped over her shoulder. "Oh good you got them out. If you come with me I'll show you where you and Romeo where you can get cleaned up. Wendy you will come with me." "Ok." Wendy,Romeo,and I all followed Lucy. "Natsu and Romeo here is the room you can get ready in I had Virgo get you two a fresh pair of underwear as well as robes just in case you want something to cover your torsos. Oh and here are your pajama pants." "Thanks a lot Lucy." Romeo said while grinning ear to ear." Alright then, let's go Wendy we still have to get cleaned up. I think your gonna love the pajamas I found for you." Lucy said as she walked away with my little sister. "Well little buddy I guess we should shower." I said as I stepped toward the bathroom. When I got in I saw the shower which was big enough for two people to fit in. I started up the shower and got undressed the water was way too cold,but I liked my water to be hot so I turned it up as hot as it could go. It felt great after sitting out there for so long. After I was done I wrapped the towel around my waist and Romeo went and took his shower too.

Lucy POV
Wendy and I made it to my room which had the nicest bathroom it had a full shower and a large bath that could fit about four people.I decided to take a bath since I didn't really go in the pool much while Wendy took a shower.when we got out I gave Wendy some old pajamas that I still hadn't gotten rid of.

when we got out I gave Wendy some old pajamas that I still hadn't gotten rid of

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(Wendy's pajamas)

(Wendy's pajamas)

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(Lucy's pajamas)

We were all dressed and ready to head downstairs. We walked down the stairs and everyone was there."Oh! Hey you guys sorry I wasn't here to greet you first." "Don't worry Lu we just got here." Levy reassured me." Well let's get this party started already!" "Shhhhhh!" Everyone shushed Natsu since we were right by my Dad's study." Come on guys I had the chefs make enough pizza to feed a village." Mostly for the guys because they could probably eat a village." Lucy how come you haven't invited us over in a while how come you were able to this time." Erza asked me while we walked to the dining hall. "My dad said I could do whatever I wanted today so he doesn't really care. He will be joining us for dinner though so try to act professional please." I shot a glare at Natsu when I said that since he was the only one who hasn't met my father. "Why did you look at me when you said that?" Natsu obviously didn't get the hint but Erza explained for me." Because you idiot her dad is a very strict person." "Sorry Erza you don't have to glare at me like that either." Natsu put his hands up he was definitely scared. We all sat patiently waiting for my father so we could start eating. Natsu decided to sit next to me and Levy was on the other sod of me of course. Natsu leaned over and whispered in my ear,"What's taken so long?" "*sigh* My father is a very busy man and if I have friends over and don't have them wait for him to have dinner he will be very annoyed." "Why?" "Because he likes to know the people I am affiliated with and he likes to have dinner to get to know them." I was annoyed with all the questions,but I couldn't blame him not everyone lives with a father like mine.

Natsu POV
We were sitting in silence until a deep voice broke the quiet atmosphere." I see so Lucy is this what you wanted to ask me about?" "Yes sir, you remember my friends Gray,Juvia,Levy,Gajeel,Erza,Jellal,and of course Romeo?" "Good evening sir." Everyone greeted Lucy's father except for Wendy and I." Lucy who are the other two?" "Father this is Wendy and-" I cut Lucy off so I could introduce myself. "I'm Natsu Wendy's older brother and Lucy's new friend. Nice to meet ya sir" I said while grinning slightly. Everyone looked at me with disbelief. " I am so sorry father I told him not to act like this." "No Lucy it's fine I like this young man. Natsu was it your alright." Everyone was speechless I just kept grinning and Lucy's dad stared smiling as well. "Father,are you smiling?" Lucy looked at him with tears forming at the corners of her eyes. "Lu,what's wrong?" Levy had a confused look on her face." I just haven't seen my fathers smile in so long. I'll be right back." "Lu wai-" Levy was about to go after her but her father got in the way." I'll go talk to her you all just wait." We we're all really confused except for Romeo." She has a reason to cry trust me the last time he smiled I was here and it was about two years ago. If you're the one to get him to smile though it's even better it means that he trusts you with her."Romeo was smiling as well I was still confused." Wait who made him smile the last time" I wanted answers." Let's just say they aren't allowed in this house anymore." "Wait what?" I was still super confused." You'll find out later." "Whatever." After a few more minutes Lucy and her dad walked and both sat down. We all ate pizza and laughed after dinner Lucy's dad returned to his study and we all went up stairs. "Let's play truth or dare guys." Levy said while holding up a bottle she brought from home." Let's do it!" I said while grinning. "I'm in." Lucy said while sitting down next to me." Sounds interesting." Jellal said while sitting next to his girlfriend Erza. "Ok." Wendy and Romeo said in unison. Everyone was sitting now and Levy began the bottle spun and landed on me. "Alright Natsu, truth or dare."
"I got start is of right I pick... dare!" "Ok... I dare you to kiss Lucy." I grinned and turned towards Lucy. Lucy closed her eyes and tensed up her shoulders. I leaned in and then grabbed her hand then gently pressed my lips against it. She opened her eyes and started blushing a little." You never specified where I had to kiss her." I grinned while grabbing the bottle to spin it. When it spun it landed on Wendy. "Alright little sister, truth or dare?" "Truth." I cracked an evil smile. "Who was your first crush and when did you develop this crush." She looked down at the ground and stared blushing." I was five and it was Romeo." "Awww." Everyone was gushing about the two little ones. Romeo rubbed her back while laughing a little. Wendy spun the bottle and it landed on Gray. " Truth or dare?" "Truth." Wendy asked while still looking down."How do you feel about Juvia." "I love her but she can be kinda clingy." Gray said while leaning back on the bed behind him a little. "Clingy?" Juvia looked kinda mad. "Yes." "How so?" Gray sat up a little like he had something to say. "Well for starters we can't even get through a movie without you kissing me,also you always hang on my arm somewhere,and don't even get me started when we eat together." Gray looked like he was really mad, but everyone just sat there not daring to intervene." Oh really now well if I was too clingy, why didn't you tell me?" "Because I thought you would kill me if I told! I mean ya look like your ready to now." They continued to argue back and forth." Well that makes both of us you should see your face right now!I mean you like your ready to break up with me!" "Well maybe I wanna!"

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