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                                 Natsu POV
"I was not!" Lucy shouted in protest." Ohhh you know your pretty cute when you act all feisty like that." I said with a smirk on my face. "Whatever it's almost time for class." She said as she slammed the jewel on the table and walked away. "Hey Lucy wait up!" Romeo shouted as he chased after her. Wendy and I soon followed after them back to our classes. When I got to class Lucy was standing outside talking Levy and Juvia. "Hey Natsu." Levy noticed me while I was walking up to the class."Hey" I walked past them into the class.

Juvia POV
    "Well that was rude." I said to my group of friends. "Whatever..." Lucy said with a sassy look on her face. "What's up with you ?" Levy asked with a puzzled look on her face. "Oh I'm fine,I just had an interesting lunch..." Lucy mumbled that last part which mad me wonder, but I decided not to impose. The bell rang so we all started piling into the Mr.Elfman's class. In the middle of the class Mr. Elfman called on Natsu in the middle of the class to answer a question but his answer cost him a week of detention." You sure got a lip Mr.Dragneel." "Yeah,you sure got mouth too why don't you bite me with it." Natsu said back talking the teacher. "Alright then looks like two weeks of detention." Mr.Elfman said to the rude teen. " Fine by me." Natsu said. " That's it out of my class!" Mr.Elfman shouted as a few snickers from my friends and I filled the class. "Ms. Heartfelia  if you think it's so funny you can leave as well!" Mr. Elfman was furious now. "What!" She shouted in protest. "You heard me, out!" "Yes sir..." she said glumly exiting the class.

                                Lucy's POV
"I can't believe this." I whined out loud. "Lighten up Luce." Natsu said. "Um excuse me my name is Lucy!" I sassed him back. "Yeah I know, it's a nickname I give them to all my friends..." he said as he leaning against the wall. "Friends? Wait since when are we friends?" I asked with surprise in my voice. "Well I imagine that someone who treats someone else to lunch would be their friend." I looked at him with wide eyes as I processed his comment. "Now then how bout we blow this hell hole I mean it's last period." " Yeah right I'm not risking my perfect record for you" I whisper-shouted back." Well it's not perfect now I mean you already in trouble." He reached out his hand and I looked at it with hesitation." I guess your right..." I said while taking his hand. We ran through the halls and when we got outside we stopped in front of a black motorcycle." Wait were riding on that!" I asked in surprise." Well yeah you got a problem?" "Well..." I looked down at my skirt which only had underwear underneath. "Oh your skirt..." Natsu said following my eyes down. "Do you have a car or something?" "No I have a driver who takes me everywhere." He looked at me while I still stared down." Here..." he threw a leather jacket at me." Tie it around your waist."he said to me while I was still looking down." Thanks..." I got on the back and he handed me a helmet." Hey you should probably hold on to me I like to go fast." He grabbed my hand and fastened it around his waist. I did the same with the other one and we took off. We came to a stop and I remembered something " I have to be back at the school before two o'clock." "Why?" Natsu asked. "My driver has to pick me up I'll get in trouble with my dad if I don't go home in the family car." I explained."Well it's 1:15 how bout we go have some fun then I'll take you back at 1:40. We can run back up the stairs and Mr. Elfman will never notice." He said while starting to move. "Ok sounds great!" I shouted over the loud roar that came from the engine. When we stopped I took off the helmet and fixed my hair. We were at one of Magnolia's most famous sites, it was called the Magnolia cliff. The reason it was so famous was because below the cliff was a beautiful meadow adorned with all types of flowers." Man this place hasn't changed one bit." Natsu snapped me out of my thoughts he was looking at the meadow and smiling." Here I was thinking you were the bad boy type." I mumbled under my breath." Oh I am I just came here for my sister she loves this place." "Wendy she seems like she would." I said I was smiling down as well." Well I guess we have to get going now princess." "Yeah I guess so,wait did you just call me princess? I thought my nickname was Luce!" I shouted he smirked back at me." Well it is but seeing as though you have a pretty overprotective father that nickname seemed a little more fitting." "Yeah well it's not my fault he's like that, can we please go back to Luce I like that nickname better." "Nope I like princess it suits you way better." He said counting to smirk." Whatever lets go before Mr. Elfman notices were missing." "You got it princess." " I said stop calling me that." I argued back as we hopped onto the bike. When we got back to school the second we got back into our places outside the door Mr. Elfman walked out and told us to come back in we both snickered a little bit as we walked back in because it was such a close call. When the bell rang I walked down stairs to my family car I waved goodbye to Levy as I stepped inside. My father was sitting in the seat across from me surprisingly, but he didn't look to happy. "So you were skipping school with some boy." He looked at me with a disapproving look in his eyes." How did you know." "I was out on business and just so happened to be at the same stop light when I looked over to see you two." My father was very upset and I could tell."I'm sorry sir it won't happen again." I said looking down sadly." It better not and this will be your one and only warning, and as for that boy if you are dating him I wish to meet him So I can approve of him." " I'm not dating him I promise I just met him today and we became friends." " I see oh and as for that motorcycle I don't want you on one of those again." My father said looking out the window." "Yes sir" " After seeing that though I made the decision to finally let you drive since you took the test and have your license I will allow you to pick any car you want." "Thank you father." I said very seriously but I was screaming excitedly in my head."  We pulled up to our house and the driver let us out as we did we walked inside and my father and I parted ways I went to my room and he went to his study. As I sat in my room I got message from an unknown number the message said "Hey princess Gray gave me your number so we could talk more." Oh it's Natsu I thought to myself." Cool I guess I should've given it to you before sorry bout that." I replied to his message." What are ya apologizing for ya weirdo?" "I'm not a weirdo you idiot😡" I replied back." Yeah whatever princess just wondering were you doing anything tomorrow?" "No ,why?" We kept going back in conversation." Gray and Juvia wanted to know if wanted to go to a movie with them ,but I didn't wanna feel like a third wheel." "Ok what about Wendy though?" I asked. "The movie is to adult for her plus I don't think she wants to listen to Juvia and the ice princess suck face the whole time." " Yeah let me go ask my dad about it really quick and then I'll give you my final answer." "K" Natsu replied and I left for my father's study. I knocked before I entered and heard a voice from beyond the door beckon me in. "Father my friend asked me if I could go to a movie with them after school. May I please go?" I asked trying to sound as professional as possible." Which friend is it may I ask?" "It is my friend Natsu along with Juvia and Gray sir." "I've never heard of this Natsu boy is he the one with the motorcycle?" He asked raising an eyebrow." Yes sir." "You may go, but only if you take the family car there unless you know what car you want then I can have it in by tomorrow morning. My father was actually being more calm then I thought he would."Yes sir and as for my car I would like a red convertible please sir." I said not daring to crack a smile."Done I'll get you the best money can buy and Lucy..." " Yes sir." I replied. "I love you. "He said with a straight face and I replied with the same face" I love you too father." I walked out of the room and finally broke my straight face and walked to my room ." Yes,yes,yes!Eeeeeeeeee!" I screamed I waited till I was in the safety of my room to scream to do so so I wouldn't disturb father. I immediately texted Natsu back." Hey we're on for tomorrow btw we're taking my new car." " Sounds great princess😉." He replied back. I was so excited I couldn't possibly sleep but I had to or else I would be to tired to drive my car so I put on my pajamas and went to sleep.

                                 Natsu POV
   I was laying in my bed when Zeref walked in "You haven't had dinner yet Mavis made your favorite spicy chicken legs." He said it in a sing song voice as to try and sway me to get up. " Yeah I'm coming, have you guys eaten?" I asked while sitting up." Yeah it's nine o'clock we were trying to wait but after half an hour we decided to start without you." "Oh sorry ..." I apologized cause I didn't realize." Nah it's cool we saved you some plus Mavis went a little overboard, she isn't used to cooking for four." " Got it well more for me then." I said while walking out the door. I stuffed my face with spicy chicken and added hot sauce for that extra sting I love. When I was done I thanked Mavis and went back to my room to go to bed. Before I did I got a text from Lucy saying that she got the ok from her old man and that she was getting a new car. I replied and added a winking emoji to see if she would say something , but she never replied. Thinking she probably went to bed I decided I should finally do the same and undressed so I was only wearing my boxers and laid in my bed. Slowly I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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