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Lucy POV
"Lucy!" I turned around and saw someone running up to me. "Lisanna?" Natsu and I both said in unison as we watched her approach us. "Wait how do you know her?" "I used to date her in middle school." (A/n: in this story lisanna moved to Edolas her freshman year of high school. She and Natsu dated in seventh and eighth grade.) Before I could say anything Lisanna came up to me and gave me a hug. "It's so great to see you! I was hoping to find you in the gym,but you left before I could come say hi." "Well I'm glad you found me I didn't know if you would have any classes with me. I meant to get your number when we met ,but forgot to ask for it." I said while hugging her back. Then she spoke again, "Natsu?" "Hey,long time no see Lisanna. How ya been?" Natsu asked while putting an arm around my shoulder. "Good,how about you?" "I'm fine." "So when did you move here?" "Over the summer." There was an awkward silence then I spoke. "We should probably get to class we don't wanna be late." "Yeah you're right Luce." Natsu said while removing his arm from me. "So,Lisanna what class do you have next?" "I have my big brother's math class next, Mr. Elfman." "So do we." I said smiling at her then there was another awkward silence. "Well,let's go if we're late and you're with me he'll probably give you detention." Natsu smiled down at us and we began walking in silence. We got there just before the bell rang and sat in our seats,but Lisanna stood up in the front so she could be introduced to the class. Class ended and I went up to Lisanna and got her number.I offered her a ride home,but she wanted to stay with her brother and sister. Natsu and I walked out together and decided to hang out in the student parking lot. "So,you and her dated in middle school." We were walking out of the school towards my car. "Yeah,we dated for two years,but broke up because her parents didn't want her to have the stress of a long distance relationship when she moved. Only because she was going to a prestigious school in Edolas." " you still like her?" He looked at me like I had two heads and began to laugh. "What's so funny?" "Nothing,I just didn't take you for the jealous type." "I'm not jealous...I just wanted to know if you still had feelings for her." I began to pout crossed my arms. "I don't have feelings for her so you can stop pouting. Even if I did I'm pretty sure I would've gotten over them when I met you." I looked up and smiled at him and he gave me a toothy grin. We got up to my car and sat on the hood of it. "So,did you meet her in Hargeon when you moved?" "Yeah,we met in sixth grade and clicked instantly friend wise almost like me and you." "I guess you got a thing for goody two shoes rich girls." I giggled and he chuckled in response. "Yeah,guess so,but I like you better." "What do you mean?" "Well, Lisanna was just really clingy. She always wanted to do stuff together everyday." He looked really serious while talking about her which surprised me. I didn't really think he took relationships that seriously. I began to giggle a little while he was talking. "Hey! What are ya laughing for?" "Nothing...I've just never seen you act this serious before it just surprised me." I giggled more causing him to pout a little "Aww,are you pouting." "No!" "You look so cute when you pout like that." "Whatever..."

Natsu Pov
I was blushing a little since Lucy was embarrassing me. I had to think of something to get her back,but I couldn't think of anything. We continued to sit and chat until Lucy got a call. "Hello have a business emergency...ok. Yes sir...yes sir...I love you too see you next week." She hung up the phone and looked at me. "My dad has to go Onibus for a business trip." I started to smirk,but then she crossed her arms and started scowling at me. "Whatever your thinking you better drop it,I'm not allowed to have friends of the opposite sex at my house when my father is out of town." "Aww come on princess what he doesn't know won't kill him." "Too bad my father has cameras around the house and if he looks at one and your in the house then I'll get grounded or worse." "Fine, you can still come to my place." She rolled her eyes at me and I just grinned in response. "Well I have to go back to the house now I need to do my homework." "Ok bye Luce." I got up and waved and she did the same while getting into her car. I tected Wendy real quick to see if she took the bus home or if she was in the school. She had gone home so I got on my motorcycle and left. I got home and Zeref and Mavis were sitting in the living room. "Welcome home,how was school." Zeref said while smiling towards me."Fine I'm going to do my homework." I walked up stairs and was greeted by Wendy. "Hey Natsu,glad your home I need some help with my math homework." I sucked at math I barley passed with a "D" last year. "I suck let me call Lucy and see if she can come over and help you." "Ok sounds good." I knew I would need help too since Mr.Elfman gave us homework. Wendy walked away and I called Lucy. "Hey, what's up?" "Wendy and I need help with math homework,do you think you could come over and help us?" "Yeah, sure see you in a bit." "Alright bye." I hung up the phone and went to my room to start my history homework. After about fifteen minutes I heard the doorbell ring. "Lucy nice to see you again." "Yeah,you too Mavis. Natsu called me to help him and Wendy with their homework." I could hear the two talking from downstairs. "Natsu is up in his room you can head up there if you want." I could hear Zeref talking  too. "Hi Zeref and thanks I'll head up there." Lucy started heading up the stairs and I just stayed where I was. "Hey,how come you didn't come downstairs?" "I was doing homework and you already know where my room is." She giggled a little."I guess so it's amazing how different we are." "Is it really I hadn't noticed." "Whatever ,I'm going to help Wendy first then I'll come back for you." She turned around and left and I continued with my history stuff.

Lucy Pov
I knocked on Wendy's door and heard her reply on the other side." Come in." I opened the door and was greeted by a smile." Hi Wendy nice to see you." "Hi Lucy,come sit down,but be careful of Carla she isn't too fond of other people." I looked down at the white cat who she was referring and she looked really grumpy. I sat on the bed next to Wendy ,while being cautious of Carla. "So what do you need help with?" "This math paper,we started working on factoring in class." "I'm great at factoring it's one of the easiest things in algebra two." I scooted closer to her ,but accidentally sat on Carla's tail. "Yeow *hiss*!" "Sorry." Carla jumped off the bed waving her tail back and forth while Wendy laughed awkwardly. We continued our lesson in factoring and Wendy was a natural within ten minutes. "Thanks Lucy you're a really big help." "Hey no problem,I'm gonna go help your brother now see ya." "Bye Lucy." I walked out of her room and closed the door behind me and went to Natsu's room and knocked on the door frame. "Ready to do some math?" "Yeah,let's get it over with." He sat up on his bed and put his phone on his bedside table. "Did you even attempt to do any of those problems?" "Nah I fell asleep in class, so I have no idea what we learned." He was grinning ,I frowned at him and then I walked over to his bed. He looked at me with a confused look and then I flicked him in the forehead. "Ah,what was that for?" He rubbed his forehead and winced. "That's for falling asleep,because now I'm gonna have to teach you the whole lesson." "Well that's not such a bad thing,I'd rather have you teach me than that muscle brain Mr.Elfman." He was smirking which made me frown even more. "This lesson isn't for your enjoyment Natsu. I'm serious,I'm not gonna be you're personal tutor unless you actually don't understand something ." "Well I don't actually understand this,so can you help me." He put his hands behind his head and leaned back down on his bed.  Then I got an idea that I knew would make him pay attention. I got on his bed and reached over and grabbed his chin and leaned in so I was super close to his face. "If you don't sit up and pay attention I will leave right now and let you get an "F". Also just so you know I won't feel bad either." I smirked down at him and I guided his chin upwards causing him to sit up in the process. "Now that I have your attention let's start." I took out my notes for math and began to teach Natsu what we learned in class. Once we finished we both started doing the problems on the worksheet. "Hey Luce can you help me with this problem?" "Yeah which one?" "Number five." I looked scooted over and looked at his paper,but then he grabbed my chin. "What are you do-" he cut me off with a kiss. I wanted to break away,but I couldn't it his lips were so soft they felt amazing. Eventually we broke apart gasping for air. "That's for earlier,I already told you to leave the teasing to me." "Yeah well it's not really teasing if I enjoyed it." "Guess you right." He began to grin and we finished the problems together. "Hey you two how's the homework going?" Zeref was standing at the door way. "Great,we just finished." Natsu said while putting his books beside him."That's good,Lucy would you like to stay for dinner Mavis cooked extra since you came." "I would love to." I moved my books off my lap and smiled at him. "Alright I'll meet you two downstairs then." Zeref turned away and walked out and I looked at Natsu. "I guess we should go eat." "Yeah lets go." Natsu and I stood up and went to join the others for dinner.

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