New years

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Sorry it's been awhile everyone I've been busy with school and other stuff.

No one POV
Today was New Year's Eve and all of our fairy tail high friends are celebrating together at Lucy's house.

"So Lucy how was your break so far?" Levy and Lucy were chatting in the corner along with Juvia,Lisanna,Erza,Cana and Wendy.

Lucy finished taking a sip of her drink, "It was good Natsu's ...hic...parents were really nice I had a lot of fun."
"Lucy are you ok?" Wendy asked looking at Lucy who had red flushed cheeks.
"Yeah I'm fine..." Lucy's started to slur her words.

Erza spoke up changing the subject ."I was always quite found of Natsu's family they're a good bunch."

"Yeah it sucked when they moved away he was always getting in trouble so there was never a dull moment around here." Levy said.All the girls in the group started to laugh even Lucy since she had heard some of the stories from Natsu's mom.

Natsu pov
I was standing around talking with the other guys about the break when I heard a bunch of laughing.
All of the guys including myself looked over in the direction of the girls who were all red in the face.

"What's so funny?" Gajeel yelled at the girls who all turned towards us.

"We were just talking about how much of a trouble maker Natsu was." Lucy walked over to us stumbling a little bit into me.

"Are you ok Luce?" Her cheeks were flushed red and she had a goofy grin on her face.

"Yeah...I'm great...hic...I just feel kinda tired." I looked at Lucy who was about to take another sip of her drink,but I snatched it away and took a sip.

"Whoa! Who put liquor in the punch?"
Everyone looked at Cana a new friend of ours who was known for drinking.

"Alright guilty as charged I felt like this party could use a little kick,but I didn't think anyone would actually end up drunk." Cana laughed and everyone looked at her with an annoyed look.

"Natsu back my drink." I held the drink up away from Lucy who was pressed up against me still.

"No you're drunk and you've had enough come on let's go sit down." I walked over to the couch dragging Lucy with me and I sat her down.

I walked out and poured out the punch in Lucy's cup and grabbed a new one filling it with water. I walked over to Lucy and handed her the drink.

"Bunny girl can't hold her liquor."
Gajeel laughed at the scene and Levy walked over to him and punched him in the arm.

"Gajeel you know she's never had a drink in her life." Gajeel kept smiling and everyone else glared at him.

"Wait she's never had a drink?" I stared in disbelief at them since all of them had obviously been to a high school party.

"Yeah shes gone to parties,but never had a drink since her dad would probably kill her." Gray said with a nonchalant look on his face.

"We better sober her up quick then because if her dad comes in here we're all dead." Wendy spoke up while pouring out her drink and grabbing some water.

As Wendy said that we heard footsteps approaching from the direction of Mr.Heartfilia's study.

"Crap were dead." Everyone froze as he walked in.

"How's the party going?" He asked standing in the doorway.

"Great sir." Everyone looked around at each other.

"Where's Lucy?"
"I'm right here Father."
Everyone looked over at Lucy who was drinking water she still had flushed cheeks,but I think she was aware that she needed to sober up with her dad in the room.

"Oh ok well have fun everyone and don't worry about going home I have some pajamas prepared for all of you since it's late."

"Thanks you sir see you tomorrow."

Mr.Heartfila walked out waving and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

I walked over to Lucy who sat back down and she looked up at me with that goofy grin again.

"Wait ...your still drunk." I facepalmed myself for even thinking that she would sober up in five minutes.
"Cana you're the expert what's the fastest way to make someone sober?" I looked at Cana waiting for her answer.

"Give her some bread and water she should sober up a little faster after that." I nodded and got Lucy some more water while Levy grabbed the bread.

"Here Luce eat this and drink some more water." Lucy grabbed both items from me slowly and did as she was told.

"Hey guys turn on the tv it's already 11:30." Romeo said while holding up his phone to show is the time.

Everyone gathered in the living room and Levy turned on the tv. All the guys piled onto the couch sitting next to their girlfriends. Gray and Juvia sat next to each other,but they still weren't dating.
Cana and Lisanna sat next to each other since they didn't have boyfriends.

"Welcome back to our New Years countdown! We now have 27 minutes until the ball drops." The host on the tv had a bright smile and you could see his breath each time he said something.

"So What's everyone's resolution this year?" Wendy sat up on the edge of the couch so she could see everyone.

"Mine is to stop drinking so much!" Cana chimed happily.
"I wanna learn how to cook better." Lisanna said.
"I wanna get better at saving money." Romeo commented.
"I wanna be less passive." Wendy said with a shy look on her face.
"I wanna get enough signatures for a petition to get a metal shop class." Gajeel said while leaning back.
"I'm gonna max out my reading level." Levy said with a determined gleam in her eyes.
"I wanna get better grades." Lucy glared at me when I said that since she's been tutoring me and my grades haven't improved at all.
"I wanna get better at cooking ." Lucy said yawning a little afterwards.
"I wanna win the fencing championship for our school." Erza had a huge gleam in her eyes much like when she sees a piece of cake.
"I wanna get a higher position at my job." Jellal said he works at a restaurant called the tower of heaven and is currently a waiter.
"I wanna beat the school record for freestyle swimming." Juvia said smiling.
"I'm gonna save up some money to get a new car." Gray finished off the resolutions leaning back on the couch.

We all smiled around the room as we continued to watch the countdown.

"Five minutes until New Years!" The host on the tv was practically screaming into the mic.

"Two minutes away from New Years!"

"Less than one minute til New Years!"

The countdown now hit double digits counting down from 59. We all say up and began counting with the large crowd on the tv.

"Happy New Year!"
We all gathered in one large group hug and then dispersed to our dates.

"Happy New Year Luce." I smiled with a toothy grin and she smiled gently back up at me.
"Happy New Year Natsu."
We both looked at each other and leaned in for a kiss. It was long and sweet and Lucy tasted just like strawberries.

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