Chapter twenty six

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Elena opened her eyes and a smile grew on her face as she turned over to kiss Jerome. But her smile quickly disappeared when she noticed he wasn't there anymore. Confused she leaned up to look around in the room, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Then her heart beat raised and her eyes widened as she heard Jerome scream in the distance"Elena help me!". She quickly threw the blanket off her body and jumped out of the bed.

She ran out of the bedroom but didn't know which direction to run to. But then she heard Jerome's painful screams coming from the living room and she ran as fast as she possibly could. When she came into the living room she gasped as she saw was Jerome tied up to a chair and blood was dripping from his mouth. His eyes had turned purple and they were all swollen from what looked like a heavy beating. Someone had tortured him. He looked awful and he seemed terrified as well.

Elena started to cry when she saw Oswald and Barbara's dead bodies laying right next to him. She was just about to run up to Jerome and help him, but then her blood boiled as she saw Theo walking out of the shadows and into the light. He had a smirk on his face and Elena tightened her fists in anger.

«What the fuck are you doing here? What have you done!" she shouted and tramped her foot down to the floor in anger. He let out a short and amused laugh as he shook his head at her.

"There's no need for such an aggressive behaviour, Elena. I've merely got some unfinished business and as Mayor of Gotham I need to keep my word, you understand that don't you?" he said and then she saw something shiny and silver appear in his hand. She squinted her eyes trying to see what it was threw the tears in her eyes, but when she did, it was too late.

It was a small knife and he smiled widely before burying it in Jerome's neck once again and she saw the life disappear from his eyes as they closed. She screamed at the top of her lounges and felt like she was going to pass out. This was too overwhelming, this could not be happening again, it could not be real!

"Elena? Elena wake up!" Elena heard Jerome shout and she threw herself up from the bed as she desperately gasped for air. Her body was shaking and she looked all around herself to notice she was back in the bedroom and Jerome sat beside her with a concerned expression on his face.

"It was only a dream.." she thought to herself as she tried to control her breathing and placed a hand on her heavy breathing chest.

"Are you okay? You were screaming." Jerome asked as he held a hand on her back to comfort her. She swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded hastily.

"Yeah, I'm fine..I just had a nightmare about Theo." she said while tightening her fists and turned her head to look into Jerome's eyes while frowning.

«He killed you in front of me, again."

Jerome sighed and leaned forward to kiss her forehead and pulled back with a smile.

"If anyone is getting killed it's him, that I promise you." 

Elena smiled and nodded. But this was a wake up call for her. Theo had to die one way or another. As long as he lived there was no way they could know for sure that they were safe. He knew very well that they could easily expose him to everyone and instead of being Mayor, he would be thrown into Arkham for burglary, kidnapping, and corruption.

After getting dressed they walked down to the dining room where Oswald's staff had prepared breakfast. Barbara and Oswald where already seated so they walked over and joined them.

"So, what's the plan now Mr. Valeska? I mean since you made the city go black and all." Oswald wondered. Jerome was stuffing his face full of food and didn't really care that everybody watched him. Elena giggled when he lifted his head up with egg all around his mouth.

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