Chapter fourteen

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Elena woke up to Jerome holding her again, and for a moment, she forgot about everything. She forgot everything about her past, the kidnapping, her murdering Dana, her might falling for him, just all of that. In that moment everything was right. As Jerome woke up he pulled her tighter and it gave her butterflies again as she bit her lower lip. Then he let go of her so he could stretch out. She sat up and wrapped her hands around her feet as she turned around to him. His hair was all messy, but it was cute.

"Oh you're awake. Good! Like I told ya I have a surprise for you today. It's going to be..cheerful" he said smiling.

"I won't even try to guess what it is, you constantly surprise me." Elena laughed. Jerome just laid there with his hand behind his back looking at her.

"What?" she asked and wondered if there was anything on her face or something. His eyes widened a bit and he cleared his throat before he looked away.

"Uh nothing, let's get dressed, then were leaving for the surprise. The others are coming too. It's going to be fun!" he said exited and jumped out of bed, "And don't worry about Greenwood, I don't think he'll be saying much." Jerome joked and it made Elena laugh.

They both arrived in the living room and everyone was there, all the crazy Maniax. Greenwood gave them both a vicious look, but Elena could not care less. He deserved what he got. She noticed he had a bruise on his chin, but didn't remember Jerome hitting him. Barbara came up to Elena and hugged her, and Tabitha noticed and frowned. It was fun for Elena to see her so jealous, it was a bit pathetic actually. But she just hugged Barbara extra tight to provoke her a little bit more.

"Don't hurt yourself today." Barbara told Elena and it made her curious of what they were doing today. But she had to trust that Jerome knew what he was doing, no matter what he had planned.

"I won't. Hey, what happened to his face?" Elena asked looking at Greenwood. Barbara threw her head to the side frowning at him before she turned back to Elena.

"Just had to beat it in his head that you don't put your hands on Barbara Kean." she joked.

They changed into their white suited outfits and went down to the basement. Once they entered Elena saw a red gasoline truck that stood 'Hest oil co' on it.

«Hm what do we need that for?» Elena thought curiously. But before they got in Jerome handed her the same gun as she had used yesterday. She looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Remember what I said yesterday, just focus on the target." he said handing her the gun before they jumped in the truck. He was really just throwing her into the water without teaching her to swim first. But she couldn't lie, it was very exciting.

It was her, Jerome, Aaron and Greenwood sitting in the truck. Barbara didn't get to join as always and she had no idea what Tabitha was up to. Luckily her and Greenwood sat far apart because she hated his guts. She was glad Jerome cut his tongue off.

"Not so chatty today, are we Greenwood?" Jerome mocked him as he could not pronounce words clearly anymore. Greenwood gave him a look that said nothing else than that he wanted to murder Jerome in the most painful way possible. But Jerome didn't care, he just smiled and laughed as always. He seemed so excited for this. They drove around for a while before stopping under a bridge where they sat waiting for something, probably the surprise. Jerome threw his feet onto the dashboard and relaxed.

"Getting excited?" Jerome asked Elena smiling as he placed his hand on her thigh with a firm grip. She gasped silently and tried not too blush.

"Y...yeah." she replied. She noticed Jerome looking at a school bus passing them and his smile grew even wider as he placed his fingers around his eyes like they were binoculars.

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