Chapter one

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Walking down the halls in her black dress and leather jacket, she didn't get those cute glances from the boys like the other girls did. Judgment was the only thing she was ever used to. With the earphones plugged in her ears she could still feel them whispering to each other as she passed by them, it made her feel so uncomfortable.

The other girls had long icy blonde hair and miniskirts that went well with their expensive outfits. They would walk down the hallways giggling about whatever, and all the boys would basically drool after them. But when Elena walked by on the other hand, they would just shake their heads and avoid her completely.

As she entered her classroom she sat down on her regular chair in the front. Sitting there was her assurance that she would always be the first one out the door with no opening for conversation. She removed her earphones and put them back in her pocket. But removing her earplugs was always difficult, because that forced her back to reality which she constantly tried to escape.

Even though the so called "popular girls" were sitting all the way across the other side of the room, she could still hear the word 'freak' coming from their direction. She instantly knew they were talking about her, it was always her. A rush of anger went through her body as she tightened her fists making her nails almost puncture her skin while squeezing her eyes shut.

"Don't make a scene", she repeatedly thought to herself. It was almost ridiculous how often she had to tell herself this, but she was tired, just so very tired of that word. You would think that after all these years she was used to it, but no that just wasn't the case. Actually, it just hurt more and more every time.

The things that people said about her, all the horrible rumors they made, it was brutal. And her biggest struggle was trying not to believe them since no one ever told her otherwise. Sad thing is had they just taken the time to get to know her they would see she was actually a fun and very caring person. But the only one who knew that side of her was Alex, her gay best friend. Her only friend, actually.

She loosened her grip and looked out the window thinking about what he was doing at that moment to try and once again distract herself from reality.

Alex was the type of boy who fucked models during the day and partied with famous influencers during the night, he was living his best life honestly. But the worst part was he didn't even have to work for it, he was just so naturally charming and extremely beautiful that people couldn't get enough of him, so he basically lived in Gotham because of it. By basically I mean crashing with his current flame before moving to the next one.

Elena met him at a party a few years earlier. She had never been invited to anything before so she was super excited since it was going to be her first party, but like everything else in her life, that was just too good to be true.

She wasn't the girl to dress up or try to impress others. Black was her favourite color and it also made her less noticeable so she'd avoid any unwanted attention. Because attention always meant trouble.

But now she had actually put on a plum colored dress with a black leather jacket on top, because who knew, maybe she'd finally make some friends. When she arrived at the party she took a deep breath outside of the front door before reaching for the handle, she had never been that nervous.

"I wouldn't go in there if I was you." she suddenly heard coming from around the corner and jumped as she let go of the handle.

While turning around her eyes widened when she noticed a tall blonde haired boy that was leaning his back against the house. He took a hit from his cigarette before smacking it away and walking against Elena. Once he entered the light she felt like gasping because he was probably one of the most beautiful boys she had ever seen.

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