Chapter six

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Elena slowly woke up, but didn't bother opening her eyes because her head was hurting for some reason. All though she don't remember drinking the day before, and that was usually the only times she woke up with a headache. She noticed her bed felt usually comfortable, but she didn't mind it at all. But wait, what? Her bed had defiantly never been this comfortable?

Then she heard some creepy loud breathing coming from behind her. All the hair on her body stood up and she immediately threw herself up from the bed to looked out in the room. It took a few seconds for her eyes to focus, but when she did she saw this hairy and chubby guy standing by the door. He was just staring at her with a creepy smile on his face.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked and noticed she wasn't at the institution. Nope, this room had to be owned by one of the richest people in Gotham because this was huge! And everything looked so damn expensive. How on earth did she end up here?

The man ignored her question and slowly started to walk against her as he licked his lips looking at her like she was a fresh pizza that had just been taken out of the oven. She panicked and suddenly felt like he was going to murder her or something. It seemed to be no way out than the door, and he was blocking it. She couldn't think clearly and he suddenly stood beside her and reached his hands against her body. She threw her arms up covering her face in defense while screaming at the top of her lungs, hoping someone would hear her.

"Greenwood!" she heard someone yell. That voice, she knew that voice! She slowly opened her eyes to see Jerome standing in the doorway resting his hands on his back.

"Didn't I say I would chop your tongue off if I caught you in here? Don't think I was kidding." he said calm, but threatening. This Greenwood guy backed up with his hands up in defense and replied "I was just going to feel her skin, relax ginger."

He walked out and as soon as he passed behind Jerome's back he winked at Elena which gave her the chills.

"Sorry about that gorgeous, he won't bother you again." Jerome apologized.

"W..what's going on? Where am I?" Elena said as she looked around the room, "I'm so confused, I can't remember anything." she said looking over at Jerome. He slowly walked against her and she quickly started backing up until her back hit the wall as she realized he could too hurt her at any second.

"And you're supposed to be in Arkham!" she said as she realized she wasn't dreaming, "Did...did you kidnap me?" she asked with a shaky voice and her eyes started tearing up. Jerome sat down beside her and slightly nodded his head as he looked down on the floor.

"Well, yeah. You said you wanted to escape more than anything, so here you are! Funny how things work out, HAH." he laughed. Elena was so afraid and didn't know what to say or do. This felt much safer when they had a thick glass between them to say the least. Tears started to fall down her cheeks. She really tried not to cry, but she just couldn't control it. Jerome tilted his head as he looked at her. It was strange, but he looked confused, like he didn't understand her reaction.

"Not what I expected after granting your wish, but okay." he said and leaned against her. She flinched and tried to crawl further back, but her head was already backed into the wall. He reached his hand to her cheek and she felt a weird feeling in her stomach as he touched her with his warm fingers. He stroke away her tears while saying "Don't cry. This is the start of a new life for you, ya know?"

"Jerome!" someone shouted. Jerome rolled his eyes as he backed away from Elena.

"The boss is calling for me, I'll be back." he said and stormed out.

Elena sat there alone, scared and confused. Was this another nightmare? Because they were never this realistic. She pinched herself in the arm and let out an 'ouch!' That really hurt! Oh my god, this was real. Had Jerome actually kidnapped her? But how..She couldn't remember anything. Her body started to shake as she began to think about what he wanted with her. She slowly got out of the bed and anxiously walked over to the window. They were sooo high up! And after looking at all the other buildings and millions of people down in the streets, she realized she was in Gotham!

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