Chapter thirteen

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After dinner Barbara and Elena went to her room while Jerome and Aaron had errands to run for Theo.

"I love your blonde hair." Elena said and Barbara loved the compliment as she smiled and gracefully flipped her hair back. It was fun for Elena to hang with her, she was her first girl friend. They talked about Barbara's life and Elena was shocked to find out she used to date Jim in the past. In fact, he was actually the reason she ended up having a mental breakdown and became a criminal.

"But enough about me. Maybe we should do a makeover on you? You know, make you more 'badass'?" Barbara suggested with a hand on her chin as she studied Elena's appearance. Elena laughed and thought about it. She had never cut or dyed her hair, it had always just been very long and brown. So after a so sudden change in her life, why not change her hair too, just for fun?

"We could try and color it red! It would look so good with your skin tone, plus, it would make your green eyes pop." Barbara said while playing with Elena's hair.

"Sure, why not." Elena said and shrug her shoulders. Barbara leaned back and tilted her head as she looked at Elena's reflection in the mirror.

"You seem so much more confident now." she said as she noticed Elena becoming more and more fearless than she was when she first arrived at the mansion. It was like she had gotten a certain glow. Elena looked up at her and smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I am." she replied.

"Is is because of Jerome?" Barbara asked with a smirk. Elena looked down at the floor thoughtful.

"I think so. In the beginning, I was terrified of him, but he has a way of sneaking into my head. He has changed me, somehow." Elena answered and it felt weird admitting it out loud. Barbara let out a little laugh and leaned a bit closer.

"Because you're getting feelings for him?" she wondered and Elena looked at her anxiously as her heart beat started to raise.

"What? No? No I'm not. I..." she started but Barbara interrupted her before she would come up with a bad explanation.

"Elena, relax. I won't tell anyone, and I don't blame you. You might think it's insane, but it makes sense, really. You know, considering your background and all. Jerome has taken care of you, well, in his own psychotic way I mean. And that makes a girl attached, especially after she's felt so alone all her life, like you."

Elena let out a sigh and Barbara immediately held her hands around her to comfort her. It was still a strange feeling for Elena to be cared about. And maybe it was time for her to realize she had some kind of feelings for Jerome. But she just wasn't sure, because she had never liked a boy before and didn't know how it was supposed to feel.

"I look at you like a little sister Elena. And you can't fool your big sister." Barbara teased her and Elena laughed as she rested her head on Barbara's shoulder.

"It's just I have never liked a boy, like ever. I have never even had a crush, and I have never..." Elena started, but stopped. But Barbara understood what she meant.

"You've never have had sex?" she asked and Elena got embarrassed and looked away.

"Um, no." she said with a low and insecure voice.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you all you have to know. Not like that, but you know what i mean." Barbara joked and laughed. Elena thought of something that she wanted to ask her, something that she had been curious about for a while.

"I have been meaning to ask you, why did Theo break you guys out of Arkham? And why is he making you terrorize the city? It just makes no sense since he isn't a criminal himself." Elena asked.

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