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Joe's POV

I sat on the couch with my eyes closed tapping my foot, trying to calm my breathing and trying to calm myself down. Why did I always do this? I say I'm going to do something, then I do it, but I can never be satisfied with my decision. I didn't do this with everything, I only did it with her, everything else was solid. This is the 2nd time today I've broken up with her but changed my mind. Why couldn't I stick with this decision? Why couldn't I just leave it how it was?

I knew I couldn't go through with it and my cousin's knew it too. I looked upstairs, at our closed bedroom door, it's like I was having deja vu. The same exact thing happened this morning. I sat here and couldn't figure out what I wanted to do and ended up running after her. I knew that this is not what I fully wanted so I changed my mind and now here, I am doing it again, still not fully convinced that this is what. I just can't shake her, I love her.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

I ran upstairs to our bedroom but I found that she locked the door.

Knocking on the door, "Gia open the door, I need to talk to you."

Talking on the other side of the door, "I think you've said enough. I should have just left this morning instead of letting you talk me into staying. Is that what you wanted to do? Talk me into staying just so you can break up with me later?"

I sigh, "No baby, I'm just indecisive. Just open the door, I need to say something to you."

"What do you need to tell me that you're sorry..... Again?" She says.

"Just open the door."

I stood there for a few seconds then she unlocked the door. I opened it to find her sitting on the bed with tears in her eyes. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her while she cried on my stomach.

"Baby, I'm not trying to hurt you. I just need you to know how I feel." I get down on my knees and cup her face, "Let me explain something to you, every time you went out or every time you picked Randy over me, you did a little something to me. You made me feel like nothing and you hurt me. I would have never thought you would leave me or be with someone else or even look at anyone else but the fact that you did really hurt me. I knew you were a fan of mine before you met me and maybe that is the reason you were so in love with me in the beginning but after all the newness wore off, it was like I was a regular person to you and you didn't hold me at the standard that you held me at before..I liked that, you even tried to stop talking to me. I know you love me, I don't doubt that but this whole thing with Randy is really doing something to my ego, and to me. Why can't you be that way towards me? What does he have that I don't have? I never even knew you liked him."

"You can't sit here and tell me that this is all about Randy." She said.

"No, it's not and you're not listening to me. I'm telling you, as a man, how much you hurt me and what all of this has done to me on the inside. Like I said before, Gia I love you and I don't want to be without you but I can't keep living like this. I don't want us to break up, I don't want another failed marriage. I want us to work through this but you have to be willing to see the faults in the things that you do and try to fix them. As long as you acknowledge the things you do affect me, I'm willing to move past all of this and fix it. No, let me rephrase that, I WANT to move past this and fix it." I wipe the tears from her eyes, "I don't want to see you hurting like this because of me."

She sighs and drops her head, "I think you're right. I do try to get my way a lot and sometimes I know I do purposely try to change your mind on some things but I don't see it as manipulation or me manipulating you to get what I want. I definitely didn't know you felt that way. I always looked at it as if you were giving me my way because you just wanted to spoil me and wanted for me to be happy." She looks up at me, "I honestly never purposely tried to manipulate you in a negative way to get what I want. I'm sorry, I'm sorry all of this has went down especially with all the Randy stuff. I never knew that the things I did affected you how they did. I never want to make you feel like less than a man and if you feel that I walked over you, then I am sorry for that as well." She says.

I smile at her. I felt so much better in this little conversation then all the conversations that we've had regarding this situation. I could honestly tell she was speaking from her heart and she really meant no harm by the things she was doing. Truth is, I love this girl and I married her for a reason. Yeah, it was spur of the moment but it was worth it. I felt in that moment that it was the best decision that I had made in a long time and even though we are going through our issues right now, I still don't regret doing it. I know this is where I want to be.

I sit on the bed next to her, "I take back everything I said. I don't want us to separate, I want us to work through this and if you understand then I don't see there being any problems."

She smiles and puts her hands on mine, "I want to work through this too and I'm sorry for trying to leave earlier today and I'm even more sorry for trying to leave you all those times when we first got together. Just like then, I knew this is where I wanted to be and right now, I know this is where I want to be. You won't hear anything else about Randy, I won't ever visit him, I won't talk to him again, I won't answer his calls or texts, I won't even acknowledge that he even exist. He's home now, so there's no reason for me to talk to him. I'm going to be all about you from now on, my husband and the love of my life."

I smile, "I'm the love of your life?"

"Yes." She says smiling.

"I like that." I pull her into a kiss, "I love you so much Gia Marie Graham-Anoai."

"I love you too Joe Anoai."

A month and a couple weeks later, we had our son, King Leati Anoai. He weighed in at 6 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches. The kids loved their new sibling. It's hard to believe I have 5 kids. I wish Milania was here but I know now God had other plans for us. We had to go through somethings to get to the place we are now.

Gia and I have been doing very well. We can't keep or hands off of each other lately. I won't be surprised if she ends up pregnant again. It's like when we first got together. I think we've found a new appreciation for each other. I love that woman and I'll step in front of a bullet again for her.

Needless to say, Gia really hasn't talked to Randy. For the first time, she was telling the truth about him. She said the last time they were together he freaked her out by saying our baby should've been his. She also went on to say she didn't think rehab and therapy worked for him. As soon as he left he was showing similar traits from before. Welp, not our problem.

My career has been great of course, it always is. I won the Intercontinental Title a couple of weeks ago. I've held every title, they call that a grand slam. Not many people can accomplish that. Once again, everything is falling into place for me and I can't complain. Hopefully there won't be a part 3 to "Confessions of a Wrestler" everything in my life is perfect how it is right now. So, until next time,


Sooooo what cha think??

Yes, it's the end 😞 Please share "Confessions of a Wrestler" and "KING" with your friends and followers. I appreciate you guys reading. Love ya!!

If you haven't already, check out my other books!!

Cruel Intentions (Roman Reigns)
The Student (Roman Reigns)
The Personal Assistant (Roman Reigns)
Numb (Roman Reigns)
Jaded (Roman Reigns)
Under The Influence (Chris Brown & Drake)
LUX (Roman Reigns & Jason Momoa)

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