Second chance?

519 31 17

Gia's POV

After I got home and basically got chewed out by Joe, I went to visit Randy. Having the conversation Joe and I had, I was in a horrible mood. I honestly didn't want anything to do with Randy right now. I guess I can admit, in the beginning I did do and say things to get him to see things my way but that was only to get his focus off of the problems he was having with Galina. I never really did that for me to get my way because him having the issues he was having and dealing with the things he was dealing with, it would've sent him over the edge. I was the one who said it was too much for me to handle and I was the one trying to end things.

I honestly thought we were on the right track. After everything that we've been through, I thought this was it and that we would have our happily ever after together. But it seems like ever since we've been married everything has gotten a lot harder. Yeah I had my moments where I wanted to leave the marriage but I quickly came to my senses and realized that that wasn't what I wanted.

Joe has never been like this and he has never acted like this and he damn sure has never said anything like this. I'm a little confused but I'm also more so scared that he's going to follow through with what he said. After our conversation today, I honestly feel like he would leave me, married or not.

I got to a facility where Randy was staying, signed in and waited for him. After a few minutes, one of the nurses takes me out back to the pool area where I saw Randy sitting in a lounge chair.

"What's up?" He says looking up at me.

"Is this rehab or a vacation?"

He laughs and stands up and hugs me, "Looks can be deceiving, it's definitely rehab." He sits back down.

"Alright so what's up?" I take a seat in the lounge chair next to him.

"My 30 days are up." He says.

"I thought you were going 90?"

"No, it's only for 30."

"Randy it's been like a month-and-a-half."

"Yeah but I feel like I have accomplished a lot. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm ready to get back to work and just move on with my life. Plus I have a lot of making up to do." He rubs my leg, "You seem down. What's up?"

"Nothing I don't want to talk about it. Let's just get your things so I can take you home."

We gather all of Randy's things and he checks out.

We were on our way back to Orlando. We rode in silence for a while. Randy knew something was wrong. He finally decided to speak.

"What's going on babe?" He asks putting his hand on mine.

I sigh, "I really don't want to talk about this Randy but Joe and I probably won't be together much longer."

"What happened?" He asks looking concerned.

"Apparently everyone thinks that I'm manipulative towards him and that I've been manipulating him ever since we've been together."

He sighs, "Well, it's not really my place to say anything but you know I'm going to anyway. I think he's just looking for a reason to get out. No I haven't been around lately, I've been taking care of my own issues but I think he only wanted you back because I had you. Yeah I kind of pushed you back to him and no it wasn't only his decision for you guys to get back together but that's just what I think."

"You maybe right...I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm trying not to stress myself out about this situation but it's hard not to. And you and I broke up, I just wanted to be by myself but I jumped back into a relationship with him. It's not like it's not what I wanted but I just wanted to be alone for a while."

"Which you should've been. I know I did a lot of things that I'm not proud of but like I told you before, I'm aware of everything that I did and I wish I was given a chance to make it up to you. I know you two are married now and I'm not trying to put any pressure on you or any more strain on your marriage. I just wish I could make things right and erase the past." He says.

"We'll see Randy. You're right but things between you and I are pretty good right now, don't mess it up by going and saying things like that."

"I know but I just wish that you guys didn't get back together. It'll be easier on me."

"What do you mean?"

"I just wish I had the chance to make it right. Now that everything has somewhat cleared up, I wish I could have another chance, a second chance to show you that I'm better." He squeezes my hand.

I look down at his hand, "Randy don't put that on me right now." I remove my hand from his grip.

"I know, I know I'm just saying how I'm feeling." He says.

"You're stressing me out right now. I'm pregnant and-"

"That's supposed to be my baby." He says with anger in his voice.

I take a deep breath and exhale, "Randy, please stop."

"Fine." He says with an attitude.

The rest of the ride was silent.

Roman's pov

I was meeting my cousin's at Jimmy's for a few drinks again. After my whole blow up with Gia, I had to vent. Plus, I haven't talked to them since that day.

"What's going on now?" Jon asks.

"Yeah, the last time you called us here for drinks you were telling us about that whole situation with Gia." Josh says.

I shake my head, "Yeah y'all know I don't have many people to talk to about this."

Jon says, "This? So it is about that. What's going on?"

I run my hands over my face, "I'm pretty much done... I'm ending it."

"Cool, I don't understand how you've dealt with it for this long. Not that I really care but what made you finally come to this decision? What did she do now?" Josh says.

"I sat her down and I was talking to her about it and she literally did it like 3 times right in front of my face. I just told her to leave and leave me alone."

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know somewhere with Randy."

"Why is she with him?" Jon asks.

"I don't know something about talking him into staying longer. I really don't give a fuck anymore. She can have him, they can be together forever. Let them kill each other, whatever."

"So what about the baby?"

"I'm always going to do what I need to do when it comes to my kids. And if she's going to get back with him, I need her to understand I don't want my son around him. That's all I ask, so if she can do that then we won't have any problems."

Josh smiles, "You're serious huh?"

"Dead ass serious."

"Damn! Are you going to have her move out?"

"Knowing her she's going to want to move out. I'm open to letting her stay. I don't have a problem with that because I know Cassie loves it here. But I know she's probably going to go back to Chicago meaning just for me to see my son I'm going to have to take a lot of trips there."

"I'm sorry but I just don't think that is going to happen. You know how dumb you are when it comes to her. I don't think you're going to leave her. You're going to go into the conversation saying one thing and the outcome is going to be the total opposite." Jon says.

"Seriously Jon, I'm done."

Do y'all think he is really going to break up with her??

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