The History

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Joe's POV

I had been waiting in the waiting room for over 2 hours. No one was able to tell me anything about her surgery. All I knew is they had to remove the bullet. I didn't know anything about her or the baby's condition. I was seriously a nervous wreck. I just kept thinking to myself; what if she doesn't make it?

I was approached by two officers, Officer Stokes and Officer Bryant, who wanted to ask me about what happened to Gia. They took me in an unoccupied hospital room for privacy. Both of them had note pads and started asking me questions and taking notes.

"What's your relation to Ms. Graham?" One of the officers asked me.

"She's my girlfriend."

"And what's your name?" The other officer asks.

"My name is Leati Anoa'i but I go by Joe. I don't mean to be rude but I need to know what's going on with my girlfriend. If I'm not out there when the doctor comes out how am I going to know if she's alright?"

"We won't keep you long Mr. Anoa'i. So tell us what you know about the situation." Officer Bryant asked.

They wanted to know everything, so I told them about our history, how we dated for a little over 2 years, when she was seeing him while we were together when we were on tour, how I broke up with her then they were together officially for 8 months. I also told them how she confided in me when their relationship began to take a turn for the worst and when she showed up at my house because he cheated on her. I told them about the first time I saw it with my own eyes when he grabbed her at my house and I how I had to step in and how I tried to talk her out of going back to him and she did it anyway. Then I told them about the last time they got into an altercation, when he choked her and she had bruises everywhere. I also told them how she said he had snapped. I told them how I took her to get her things from his house and about how he was acting and it probably triggered whatever anger he had towards her and how I didn't make anything any better because he knew she still loved me.

"So you're extremely close to the situation." Officer Stokes commented.

"Yes I am."

"Do you have any reason to think they could've gotten back together or was in some kind of contact with each other?" Officer Stokes asks.

"No, she hasn't seen him since the day we left his house. I made her promise me she wouldn't see or talk to him."

"Then why was he at your house tonight?" Officer Bryant asks.

"I don't know maybe he just showed up, he's done that before you know. We've been together everyday since they broke up especially when I'm not at work. We moved and she changed her number. I'm confident they had no contact. I don't even know how he found out where we lived."

He nods his head, "Okay and where were you? You just happened to came home right in time before he shot her." Said Officer Bryant.

I get pissed at the fact that he's implying I had something to do with this.

"Officer I was on TV when this shit went down. I took an early flight home, I'm usually not even home until Tuesday afternoon but I wanted to get home to her. I don't know if you know who I am but I'm a wrestler and I'm on Monday Night Raw every Monday and sometimes I'm on Smackdown on Fridays. I wasn't even supposed to be home. If I didn't come home when I did she probably would be dead right now."

"We understand that Mr. Anoa'i. Do you have anything that can back up where you were?" He asks.

Getting frustrated, "I just told you I was on TV. There's a few million people who could tell you where I was."

"Tell us what you saw." The other officer says.

"When I got in the house I heard her screaming and yelling, I ran upstairs and I saw him pointing the gun at her. I ran and got in front of her...."

Officer Stokes cuts me off, "So you got between Ms. Graham and the gun?"

I look at him like he's crazy, "Yes. I wasn't about to let him shoot her. Anyway, I tried talking him into putting it down and I did for a second but then he just shot her. Then I jumped on him and started punching him in the face."

"Is there anything else we need to know?" Officer Bryant asks.

"I did grab the gun after he shot her. I'll be honest, I tried to kill him but that's what he wanted so I told him if she died he was going to watch every second of it."

"And why did you grab the gun?" Officer Bryant asks.

"He shot my girlfriend in the stomach, she's pregnant. She's pregnant with my kid, we just found out 3 weeks ago that she was pregnant. We lost our daughter a couple of years ago. We were so happy when we found out she was pregnant again and....." I start crying again, "..... And he shot her. I'm sorry, I have to go. I need to see if she's alright. I can't lose her." I start to walk out of the room but Officer Stokes stopped me.

"Take my card if you remember anything else, give me a call."

I take the card and leave.

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