4 chapter sneaking out

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but i guess i'll go, its not everyday that your idols invite you to be with them.

to: shawn mendes

heyy, yes i'll go

from: shawn mendes

cool, im waiting for ya :)

i looked at my brothee he was sleeping so i went.to change my clothes, i put on a sweatshirt from carhart that said "beware with the duck" that belongs to my brother but he will never know i wear it, it was super large on me because my brother loves baggy clothes, i putted some denim jeans and my black vans, i let my hair all natural and by the time i was done it was 23:27 so i started going to the pool.

i went down the elevator and got to the pool, there was shawn, nash, matthew, taylor, cameron and mahogany sitting by the pool in a circle.

" hey" i said waving and smiling to them.

" hey" they all said doing the same thing as me.

i sitted on the only seat that was empty, next to shawn and mahogany.

"so what do you guys want to do?" matthew said

"lets just listen to shawn singing" mahogany said.

"okay so emma since you are our guest here what song do you want me to sing?" shawn said with an adorable smile.

"ugh i dont know,  helplessly by tatiana manaois" everyone smiled im guessibg that they like that song as well.

he started singing,  he sang like an angel. when the song ended i was kinda of sad, i qaned to hear more.

"now what?"cameron said.

"how about we play i never" nash said

"dude she cant deink shes only 14" shawn said.

"he just put our hands in the air when we did it okay? no drinking to anyone" nash said bored.

"okay i start, i never got hit by a ball in the face" she said me and taylor and matt lifted our hands and laughed about it.

"okay my turn now, i never watched glee" nash said. only me and mahogany lofted our hands, glee was like my favourite show ever.

they all went even me, and now it mahogany again.

"i had boyfriends, but i never had a real serius boyfriend" they all lifted they're hands, but me and taylor didnt

"i had girlfriends but never serius" taylor said explaining.

"i never had a boyfriend" i said explaining too, they all looked at me kinda of suprise.

"you never had a boyfriend? " cameron said

"nop" i said woth no worries.

"have you ever kissed anyone?" taylor asked

"not rwally" i said laughing.

the night kept going really and people were starting to leave until there was only me and shawn.

" can you sing a little more to me?" i said yawning abit.

"course, what song do you want? "

"anything i just wanna hear you sing" i said

he started singing classic by mkto.  i liked that song a lot. unfurtunally the song ended.

" so you never had a boyfriend for real?" he said looking at me

"no" i simply said


"i dont know, i have real high expetations for guys and the guys i like never like me back" i said.

"how did they didnt like you"

"pretty boys like pretty girls and my friends are so pretty so they usually like my friends"

"i think youre pretty" shawn said.

" youre just saying that, if i was pretty someone would have liked me by now" i said.

" oh, i bet that in portugal there all a lot of guys that like you and you dont care" he said

"actually no, im telling you nobody likes me"

"i like you, like a friend but i like you" shawn said

"i have friends that like me too okay?"

we kept talking till 0:3 and then i got really sleepy and we went to our rooms.

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