We'll See- Jughead

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Sleepover with friends



"Okay so across the river is Greendale, don't go over there a lot of weird crap happens over there'' Cheryl pointed out.

"And lastly were finally here," she continued.

I took a quick glimpse out of the window and saw a food place that had a lot of charm and character.

"Welcome to the infamous Pop's Chocklit Shoppe, their milkshakes are to die for," Cheryl stated.

If you didn't get it, I am new to Riverdale and funny enough the first person I meet is Cheryl Blossom. Who didn't know of the Blossom family?

 Lucky enough for me she was my neighbor. And she being who she is came over the day my family and I moved in and introduced herself.

She also volunteered to show me around the town. My mother could not have been happier because she couldn't wait to get me out the house.

"Jess, are you coming ?" Cheryl said with a smile plastered on her face.

I nodded my head and followed her into the store.

We took our seats that were closer to the back after we ordered something to eat. It didn't take a long time for the food to come and I was stoked about that.

"These milkshakes are the shit," I said while gulping mine down.

"Told ya," Cheryl simply said.

We had a nice conversation before someone else entered the store. He wore a black leather jacket that looked like it had a serpent on the back and a worn out beenie. He looked like he was going through it.

"Who's that?" I pointed slightly.

Cheryl briefly turned her head into the direction I was pointing and rolled her eyes.

"Oh that's Jughead, he's a complete weirdo, like the rest of his hooligan of friends, trust me you don't want to get into that," she stated dismissively.

I nodded my head because it was obvious she didn't want to talk about him. But honestly in only intrigued me more. He couldn't have been that bad right.Cheryl continued to fill me in on all of the drama that Riverdale had been through and the time our night was over, It felt like I've been here all m life.


A few days later.

Being associated with Cherryl most definitely had it perks, one being on the first day of school everyone seemed rather nice. Maybe even too nice.

I made a few friends, and even joined a few clubs at school, so it would be easier to get to kow other people. Right now I was going to bio and lets say I wasn't  too stoked about it.

I didn't hate it nor did I love it.

"Okay class, today we will be doing a group assignment, and before you even ask I will be pairing you guys up," The biology teacher stated and she gained groans from the students.

She started to call off pairs, me not really knowing who actually did work just sat back and waited until my name was called.

"Jess and Veronica" 

I looked around to see where she was located, she gave me a small smiled and waved. I gathered my belongings and made it over to her desk.

"Hey," I greeted she smiled back and said a silent hey too.

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