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This is going to be the last update until further notice.Because one I live in Florida and you know of the hurricane that may be coming.

Secondly pray for the Caribbean(I have family and friends there also)  and Florida and Texas, through these tough times.

This one is short but sweet.Requested by @-jimpix

When date night is ruined.



Tonight was date night for Betty and I. I had came up with the perfect location for our date. I had was planning it out for a few weeks now. 

I had to make sure everything was perfect for her. Especially the weather because our date was being held out the door.

I had planned on having a picnic under the stars, but I wasn't too sure about where we would go because Riverdale wasn't the safest place at the moment.

So I decided that I would just set everything up in my back yard. You had a projector screen set up with a few blankets and pillows on the grass.

You checked the time on your phone and realized that anytime from now Betty would be coming over. You double checked to make sure everything was in order before heading back inside and waiting for her arrival.

Ten minutes had gone and you were starting to get impatient because she was never late for anything.

As a few more minutes passed by you finally heard a knock on the door. You rushed towards the door to let Betty in.

"Sorry that I'm late," Betty said.

"It's okay but I have a surprise," you said to her.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at you with curiosity across her face.

You took her hand and led her to your back yard.

"TA-DA!" You yelled.

She took in the scenery in front of her.

"You did all of this by yourself?" She asked appalled.

You nodded your head and lead her to one of the seats.

"Omg gosh baby," she cooed and placed a kiss on your lips.

"Okay hold on I have to get the food from the refrigerator. " You replied to her before leaving and going back into the house.

While in the kitchen, getting all of the foods out, you heard another knock on the door. You were not expecting anyone else for the night.

You went and opened the door and saw that it was Archie, Jughead, and Veronica at the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" you questioned.

"Babe I told them I was coming over to your house," Betty said coming out from nowhere.

You gave her a look, and your friends made their way into your house.

"So what were you guys doing?" Jughead questioned.

You cried internally because everything was ruined. All the planning you did for you and Betty were basically fucked because your friends didn;t know how to stay at their respectful homes.

"Abousety nothing," you replied to him as everyone followed you back outside. 



Lol if something like that happened in real life I would have flipped.

Thanks for reading.

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