Chapter 51

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Allison's POV

I saw them following me and then I saw the cliff Henco took me to earlier today. Taking a left I saw all of them passing by. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding I drove up to the cliff.

Parking my car, I sat on the hood for about 20 minutes deciding what I'm gonna do and where I'm going. Grabbing a piece of paper in my car and a pen I begin writing a letter to Henco, cause I know he'll probably come up here in a hour or two.

After I wrote the letter I grabbed my bags and lock my car. Sitting the keys under the right tire just like I said in the letter and the letter on the windshield under the left wiper.

How did my life get this messed up again. I was happy like a few hours ago then he just came and everything blew up in my face.

As I was walking down to find a cab that will take me to the airport I ran into the last person I thought I will see twice in one night.

''Well Hi there little lady.'' Isaac smirked.

''Hi there little guy.'' I smirked back but it wasn't my usual smirk.

''Where's your boyfriend?'' He asks looking around.

''It's a long story. Anyway I gotta get a cab to take me to the airport. Bye little guy.'' I gave a small smile and started walking away.

''Yo Ally! Hold up.'' He yell after me jogging after me.

''I'll give you a ride if you want. And then you can tell me why you're leaving.'' He said grabbing one of my bags and walking towards his car.

''Nice car.'' I said letting out a low whistle.

''Thanks not as nice as that purple Audi R8 of yours. V8?'' He complimented and asks.

''V10 actually.'' I smile thinking about my baby.

''There's that smile. Now little lady get in my car so we can get you to the airport.'' He smirked.

''I'm coming little guy.'' I stated smirking. I climb in the car and he starts driving.

''So little lady I bet you don't know what car this is.'' He smirked. Really do guys think I'm dumb when it comes to cars.

''It's a Subaru Impreza WRX STi.'' I smirk.

''Damn you know your cars.'' He smiled letting out a low whistle.

''So want to explain why you're running away?'' He asks.

''Firstly I'm not running away. I don't run away, I just need some time okay. Secondly it all started after the date.'' I let out a sigh and begin telling him of Chase and Mike and Jace and everything.

''Whoa that's screwed up.'' Isaac let out a whistle.

''Tell me about it.'' I sighed.

''So your mom knew and never told you and this Mike guy just showed up here and think everything was sparkles and rainbows?'' He asked.

''Yup.'' I answer popping the p.

''Fucking idiot.'' Isaac stated shaking his head.

''Yeah I know. So that's why I'm leaving for some time.'' I said.

''How long are you going for? Where are you even going?'' He asked stopping the car infront off the airport.

''2 weeks, 2 months maybe more, but I will be back before my little brother is born. Also I'm going to visit a friend.'' I explained.

''Okay well be save little lady and call me when you land.'' He said grabbing a piece of paper and wrote his number on it.

''I know you'll probably get a new phone so just give me a call.'' He smiled.

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