Chapter 7

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Allison's POV

After lunch it turns out that I have journalism with Dean so we make our way to class after we stopped by our lockers. As soon as we walk in Dean went and took a seat at the back leaving a seat open probably for me.

''Ms. Shade welcome to journalism I will be your teacher Mrs. Brown.'' She smiled but it doesn't reach her eyes. ''You may take a seat next to Dean.''

''Thank you Mrs. Brown.'' I gave her a nod and a small smile and took my seat next to Dean.

The lesson went on quick and Dean is actually fun to be around with. Plus Mrs. Brown makes it more interesting, I think she should have been a drama teacher with her crazy way of teaching. It's weird but fun and will definitely be remembered.

After class our whole group has gym. I make my way to the girls locker room seeing Zoey already waiting for me by the door. Once inside we change into gym clothes that is booty shorts just barely covering my ass, a white tank top and Adidas the shoes is mine the rest is the school's and we have to wear it but atleast we can take it home.

Entering the gym with Zoey we immediately notice the guys standing with and you guess it Megan with a blue nose. I laughed along with Zoey knowing she saw it to. As soon as we are done laughing we look up to see the guys staring at us along with most of the boys in the gym while most girls just glare at us a few stare in awe at us.

The gym teacher comes in and blows his whistle. He is tall and strong built and look in his early 30's. He looks up at me smirks, seriously ew creepy dude.

''Ms. Shade I'm Mr. Lawrence your gym teacher, nice to meet you.'' He says while eyeing me up and down. I clear my throat and his eyes snap to mine.

''You to sir.'' I rolled my eyes and look away.

''As it is tradition you have to fight the best in class or the teacher or have a dance off.'' He says smirking.

''Sure I will fight you Mr. Lawrence.'' I say smirking. His smirk turns into a glare then a amused look.

''I think I'm a little to big for you.'' He replied cockly.

''I have had bigger.'' I shrug and looked at a amused Zoey and a angry Alexander. Okayy what got his panties in a twist.

''Sure come on then Ms. Shade.'' Mr. Lawrence say putting down his stuff.

''No need to tell me twice.'' I mumbled.

I wait for Mr. Lawrence to make the first move and spot his weaknesses. His left side is injured and his not that fast.

''Just gonna stand or actaully make a move sir.'' I taunted him.

He brings his right hand for a punch but I dodged it. Faking a right punch I quickly slam my fist in his left side and did a kick to his left ribs he fell to the floor with pain. Not waiting I grab his head and slammed it on my knee hearing the crack of his nose. With one last punch in his jaw he slams hard onto the ground and passes out. Really that wasn't even a fight.

Cheers erupt in the gym and I look around to see everyone staring at me in awe except Megan who is still glaring. Like really her glare couldn'teven scare a rabbit.

''Well I have to say Ms. Shade you have a mean punch.'' The assistant couch comes in view. He looks in his mid 20's with blonde hair and blue eyes and adorable dimples. He is atleast 6'2.

"Thank you Mr...'' I trail of not knowing what to call him.

''Oh sorry I'm Mr. Daniels the assistant coach.'' He smiles at me.

''Nice to meet you sir.'' I smile I have to say he is kinda cute only if you like older guys.

''You to. Now can somebody please take Mr. Lawrence to the nurses office?'' Mr. Daniels asks

''Sure sir.'' Four jocks came over and took Mr. Lawrence away.

''Now class lets play some dodgeball.'' He yelled.

The teams are boys against girls, how original I thought to myself.

We start playing after Mr. Daniels blows the whistle. We are down to two boys and two girls. The two boys is Alexander and Dean the girls are me and Zoey. I pass the ball to Zoey who is standing in front of Alexander she fake throws at him and he falls flat while she threw it straight in Deans face. He pouts and went of the court, a ball comes out of now where and hit Zoey in the stomach she huffs and walks off pouting. Like brother like sister.

It just leaves me and Alexander he throws but I quickly dodge it with a backflip. He still looks in a daze so I got him off guard when I throw a ball straight in his face from where I was standing. The whole gym goes into cheers coming from the girls. I guess it's the first time the girls won. They all came running towards me and congratulated me.

When I look over to the boys some jaws were on the floor and some were staring in awe at me, while Alexander had a emotion on his face I can't decipher and he was also staring in awe at me.

We all went to change I quickly showered and made my way out to my locker at my locker Zoey was waiting for me with a huge grin.

''Girl how did you do that. No one and I mean no one could ever beat Alexander or Dean and we did it mostly you but I helped.'' She gave me a big smile and squealed in excitement.

''I love sports so yeah.'' I laughed. We start walking to the parking lot.

''Oh that reminds me do you guys have a girls soccer team and when is try outs?'' I asked. I loved soccer I was the captain at my old school in Chicago.

''Yeah we do, and try outs is on Thursday. Friday there will be a competition where coach will choose a captain. Why?'' She asked confused.

''I love soccer I was the Captain of the Chicago Jet's since sophomore year. So I might be competing to be captain.'' I say with a smile.

''No way. The Chicago Jet's is the best girls soccer teams ever and you were captain. OMG!! Megan better watch out you might be the new captain.'' She squealed again.

I didn't notice we made it to my bike where all the boys were waiting for us. Well not until Luke screamed.

''What!! You were the captain of the Chicago Jet's?'' He asked shocked.

''Yup.'' I answered popping the 'p.

''Are you going to try outs thursday?'' Caleb asked

''Yeah and I might be competing to be captain on friday.'' I say with a smile.

''I hope you're our new captain Megan sucks.'' Zoey say with excitement.

''Wait your on the team or were on the team. Why didn't you tell me?'' I asked

''Oh I don't know. But I don't want to be captain that is why I already signed you up.'' Zoey replied confidently.

''When did you sign me up.'' I asked confused.

''Like 5 minutes ago on the school's website under the girls soccer team.'' She shrugged like it's nothing.

''So I really have no choice now, do I?'' I asked.

''No.'' All of them answered even Alexander.

''Jeez okay, I will do it.'' I said with a small smile.

After that we all said goodbye and went our different ways. Everyone followed me out of the school and Alexander were by my side with his black Kawasaki.

I gave him a smirk and as soon as the light turned green I rushed away with him hot on my trail. The next light turned red so we had to stop. With a huge smile I saw him pull up beside me.

''Wow you can really drive a bike.'' He yelled over the engines of the bikes.

''I can drive more than just a bike.'' I smirked. When the light turned green I turned right and made my way home.


Hope it's okay.

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