Chapter 10

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Allison's POV

Walking downstairs everyone is still quiet and looking down in guilt except Caleb who is waiting for me.

''Ready?'' Caleb asked.

I nodded and we left without so much as a goodbye. The drive back to Caleb was faster we were flying through the streets I guess that's how we get our anger out. Arriving at his house I looked at it amazed.

It look just like my house but more modern and has a beautiful garden with a fountain in front.

''Nice house.'' I said.

''Thanks, I never got the chance to tell you that you also got a nice house.'' He replied.

''Oh thanks, sorry for everything back there. I just lost my temper.'' I replied sheepishly.

''It's fine sorry for everything back there too I also lost my temper.'' He said scratching the back of his neck.

''Well that was eventful.'' I joked

''Yeah, you can say that again.'' He chuckled.

We walked into his house and went up to his room he showed me to a guest room and said he will be in the kitchen. Taking a quick shower I went downstairs to see him eating ice cream.

''You better have oreo ice cream for me.'' I stated with a smile.

''Obviously it's my favourite and in the freezer.'' He pointed to the freezer with a smile.

''Thanks.'' I smile.

''Wanna watcha movie in my room or something.'' He asked

''Yeah, just no romantic movies please.'' I said.

''Wasn't planning on it.'' He said. Walking up to his room I took a seat on his bed and waited for him so choose a movie.

Finally he chooses Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out Of The Shadows.

''So our parents huh?'' He asked after a while.

''Yeah I can't wrap my mind around that.'' I replied truthfully.

''Me neither. They lied to us for almost a year.'' He said.

''Yeah, basically. I'm just kinda hurt that they lied you know, I thought we were so close.'' I said.

''Yeah me to, I don't know how to feel. I'm angry that he lied but happy that he found someone.'' He said.

''Yeah I feel the same way but also betrayed. I mean my grandparents are in on it to and they just took her side like I'm not hurting or who cares about my feelings.'' I blinked some unwanted tears away, I'm not gonna cry, I don't cry.

''Yeah I saw that hurt in your eyes along with the tears.'' He said.

''Don't worry I'm not gonna cry, I don't cry.'' I shrugged.

''What? Why? Everygirl cries.'' He said looking shocked.

''I haven't cried since-, nevermind I just don't cry, I don't believe in crying.'' I said.

''You're something else Ally.'' He said with a smile.

''In a good way right?'' I asked.

''Is there any other way? And can I call you Ally?'' He asked with a smile.

''Yeah you can. And I'm glad it's in a good way.'' I say with a smile.

''Yeah. Lets go to bed you can sleep here I will sleep on the floor.'' He suggested.

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