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Kit's POV

That realization broke me.

I felt like my heart are being torn into pieces.

How many times should it be broken for me to feel numb?

I wanted to ignore the pain but I couldn't.

It reminded me of the quote from the book I read: "The thing about pain -- it demands to be felt. "

He caught me looking at him so I looked away. I couldn't let him see how devastated I am right now.

I heard some gasped from the crowd. They seemed to be surprised at what he did.

I was embarrased.

I won't let him give him the satisfaction to see me affected.




I repeated it in my mind until I managed to fake a smile.

The bidding went on.

I thought only few were interested to date me. After all,  I am not as good looking as the others.

It turned out that I got the highest bid amongst us.


I looked at the woman who spent that much money. She was pretty. In fact, she doesn't need to spend that much just to have a date with me.

She's actually my type --- cute and simple.

This turned out to be great. I tried to look at the bright side of it.

"The date will be tomorrow, all expenses were already handled. You just have to show up there. Remember,  the student council will be monitoring the date so behave yourself. " Ping chuckled.

Everyone laughed. After the event,  we were asked to go to a small party organized by them.

The purpose was to get acquainted with the person who "bought" us.

I looked at the woman beside me. I caught her staring at me. She seemed embarrased and blushed.

"Chimlin,  right? " I asked her.

"Yes, "

"Your name suits you, you're cute. " I smiled at her brightly.

"They lied, " I heard her whispered.

"Huh? "

"I mean,  they told me you're aloof and grumpy. " she awkwardly smile. "You don't seem like it. " she added.

"Ahh,  it's true though. " I warned her.

She  chuckled.

When I looked around I caught Ming staring at me.

Beside him was Prae,  she had her arms around Ming's shoulder and her head leaning on it.

I tried to take my attention away from them.

But there were times that I couldn't help but steal a glance at them.

He was still looking at me and he wasn't even embarrased about me catching him staring at me.

You have a woman beside you yet you couldn't keep your eyes on her.

I excused myself from Chimlin and went to the restroom.

I was washing my hands when the door opened.

"You seemed to be  enjoying yourself," he said.

I kept mum.

He doesn't exist.

I finished washing my hands,  he was just standing there watching me.

I dried my hands using the hand drier.

We weren't talking,  we just stared at each others reflection on the mirror.

Only the sound of the hand drier can be heard.

When I was done, he opened his mouth to talk. I put my hands on the drier again so I won't be able to hear him.

He stopped himself, I smirked at him.

I finished it quickly and attempted to go out.

He held my arm. "Ice. Gan and now Chimlin. " he said without looking at me.

I still kept my silence.

"Keep your distance from them, " he said authoritatively.

I took my arm out of his grasp harshly. "How dare you demand like that when you can't even walk the talk. "

Then I rushed out of the restroom.

I was so furious that I headed home straight.

I was both physically and emotionally drained.

I took a shower and slept it off.

A phone call woke me up.

I tried to ignore by covering my head with a pillow but the caller was very persistent.

I reached for it on the bedside table without bothering to look.

"Hm? "

"Good morning, " Ping was on the other line.

"What do you want? " I said didn't bother to hide my irritation.

"I am sorry to wake you up but it is already one in the afternoon so I believe this is a decent hour to call. " I looked at the time. I slept that long.

"You disappeared last night so I just want to remind you about your date tonight"

"Hm hm, " I moaned unable to speak more due to the dryness of my throat.

"It is a hotel so please wear a formal suit. " he added. "Be at your best, okay? "

"k. "

"The other details were on the message I sent you, questions? "

I made a no sound then end the call.

I stayed still for a while.

Everything began to sink in again.

Ming. Prae. Auction.

My heart aches.

I didn't feel like going out today but I have to go to that date.

Chimlin seemed to be a nice lady so I'll just enjoy the night.

With that thought in mind,  I got up and took a shower.

It was ten past six when I finished. I still have plenty of time.

I did not expect the traffic so I arrived exactly on time.

That was close, I hope Chimlin hasn't arrived yet.

I looked at the message Ping had sent me to confirm the table number.


I showed the waiter the reservation number and he offered me to lead the way.

I roamed my eyes around, the hotel restaurant looked cozy. There were well-trimmed plants that separated each table.  The music was sweet and very appropriate to its vibe.

Ping has a good taste.

I was so busy admiring the place,  I didn't notice the waiter already stopped at the table nearby. I couldn't see it yet because it was covered by ornaments.

The waiter was smiling while waiting for me. I saw him talked to someone from the table.

I'm dead,  she's already here.

I had my apology ready. I hate to kept her waiting.

The person from the table stood up nd turned to me.

I was shocked.

What the hell is happening?

"Ming? " I asked.

So It's You [MingKit completed]Where stories live. Discover now