Chapter Six

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»Lindy's POV«

The rest of our meal was somewhat pleasant. Niall hardly talked, and neither did I. I only spoke when someone asked me something. When the young ginger with the name of Christie gave Zayn the receipt-which I offered to pay, but he refused-we all got up from our seats, and walked to the car. As I got up, I noticed that Niall's sleeve had gone up. No, that was nothing special, but when I saw what was under that sleeve, I was completely shocked. Niall had a tattoo. This truly surprised me. I kept his tattoo in mind, along with many of my curious questions.

Slowly, everyone was dropped off at their house. First Niall, then Zayn and Perrie, next Louis and Eleanor, and lastly Harry and I. "Goodnight, Liam." I say before hopping out of the vehicle and walking up my driveway. Right as I reached my door, I heard running footsteps from behind me. Harry came up to me half breathless and told me in between breaths, "I'm having a house party tomorrow. Do you want to come?" he asked. I smiled at his gesture. "Tomorrow is Friday?" I asked, not sure of the date. "Yes, I believe so." he nodded, his curls bobbing along with his head. "Then yes, I'll be delighted to come. When is it?" "You can come at 7:00, I guess." he said and smiled. "Alright. Goodnight, Curls." I teased and he chuckled. "Goodnight, Eastie." he walked away to his house.

I enter my house and throw most of my items onto the couch. With a sigh, I plop myself onto my queen-sized bed, and find myself thinking about Niall and his tattoo. Why would Niall-out of all of the guys- have a tattoo? What was it exactly, and what does it mean? Is there a story behind it? As I think these questions, my mind wonders off to Niall in general. Why is he rude to me? Did I do something? Do I remind him of someone? Does he act that way to other people? I start to feel drowsy, and my eyelids start to get heavy. I find myself asleep within a few minutes.



I turn down Witman Avenue and continue driving to my house. Summer by Calvin Harris was playing, and my day was great so far; that is until I saw a car at my house. It was him. Why was he here? I never thought I would have to see his face again. I park my car in my driveway and run up to my door. I saw that the door was slightly open, so I pushed it open and rushed into my house. I was hit with the strong odor of alcohol. I see him on the couch, drinking a tall glass of whiskey. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask standing still, arms crossed. "What does it look like? I'm drinking?" he slurred. I could tell he was drunk. "I think you've had enough." I walked up to him and grabbed his drink from his hand, only to be punched in the jaw. I stumble back and fall onto the ground,holding my jaw. My vission is slighlty blurry, and I know that this will not end well. "Just like when you left, wimpy, a coward. Stupid bitch." he stands over me. I'm ashamed to call him my father. I try getting back on my feet, but he kicks my side before I have a chance. "You didn't think you could get away that easily, did you?" he says and throws another punch. I whimper, my body aches so much. He laughes evily, and a knock comes from my door. It sounds like a panicked or urgent knock. I see my father fade and the knocking becomes clearer. 

I jerk up and hear the knocking from my bedroom door. I get up and wipe beads of sweat from my forehead. As soon as I open the door, I'm embraced by Harry. I'm confused. "Lindy! Are you okay?" he asks, and I see a spark of worry in his green eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I ask, and Harry keeps his grip on me. "You were screaming. Luckily, I don't think anyone else heard it." he explains, and my curiosity is put to rest. "Oh. Well, I'm fine now. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." he lets go of me and stands back slightly. "Are you sure?" he asks me, and I nod. "Okay. Try to go back to sleep. See you tomorrow, Lindy." Harry exits my room, and I hear the door to my house close. I sigh. Why did I have to scream? At least I didn't wake any of my neighbors, besides Harry. "What time is it?" I wonder aloud, and I walk to my bedstand. My clock reads 2:00 AM. I have many hours before I have to head to work. I slip under my covers and try to fall asleep with their warmth.



I woke up with a slight headache, my body is shaking. I felt my forehead, it wasn't warm. So no fever, why am I shaking? Maybe I'm just cold. I sat up and wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. In my bathroom, I have a medicine cabinet. It has most medications that I might use often. I open it, and fumble around for some Motrin. Once I find it, I take out two small orange pills and swallow them quickly. Hopefully now my headache will go away. It's still cold, but I feel a draft come from behind me, hitting me in my back. I turn and see that my fan is on. I turn it down a knotch and head into my closet. Lately, it's been getting warmer here; so I decide to throw on some ripped-skinny jeans, and a plain white tee. To go along with my apparel, I put on some ocean-blue Vans. "Should I put in my contacts?" I ask myself, and decide not to, I feel too lazy. I fumble for my blue Warby Parker glasses. Once I find them, I clean them and prop them up onto my face. I check for the time: 7:45 AM. I need to hurry. I walk into my bathroom and simply brush my hair, and I keep brushing it until I accept the fact that my hair isn't perfect. Running into my kitchen, I grab a muffin and some kind of tea, along with my keys and hop outside to my car; almost forgetting to turn off the lights.

I almost run some red lights to get to work on time, but thank Jesus that the constables were blind. I park in my space, and turn off the engine. Briskly, I walk into the room, where I find Jenny talking to Andrew Garfield. I forgot she was having her Spiderman 2 interview today. Quitley, I walk into the seperate room and sit there, waiting for the interview to be over.

Soon, I see that Andrew gets up, and exits the room. I grab my things, and walk back into the main room. After Jenny is done saying her radio-goodbyes, she turns to me, and hugs me. "Hey, sorry about that. I forgot you had an interview today." I apologize, rubbing the back of my neck a little. "That's fine, I almost forgot too." she giggles. "Oh, also, John is watching the baby today, so I can spend some more time here. We can chat, and have "girl-time" so to speak." she smiled. "You aren't tired?" I asked, I didn't want to bother or annoy her. "No, I'm not. Mr.Ràmon said I could come in later so I didn't sound 'drowsy' during the interview." she said, "I'm guessing by 'drowsy' he meant a drugged woman who tends to show her Hispanic accent." Jenny added and I cracked up laughing. Classic Jenny, making her amazing yet cheesy jokes; just like Harry.

I sat down and clocked in for my shift. "What time did you come in?" I asked. "Around 6:00 AM. The boss man gave some kid a raise for doing a few more hours past his shift." her black, wavy hair fell against her tan skin. I nodded. "I'm so happy about it, it saved me a ton of sleep." she smiled. "Anyways, enough about me, what's been going on in your life?" she asked. "Well, yesterday was good-actually more than that. I don't think there is a better word to describe how great yesterday was." I begin, and turn towards my screen. I need some time so I pick a playlist that lasts for maybe an hour. When I turn back, Jenny sits there, anticipating for my words.

"When me and Harry saw each other, I bet it looked like those videos where the father or mother that is in the military comes home, and the child jumps into their arms." I smile, and Jenny giggles. "All of the boys were very nice, except..." I trail off. "Except what? Were one of them mean to you? Were they the 'bad boy'?" Jenny's brown eyes glisten with excitement. "Well sort of. Niall wasn't as kind as I thought he'd be." I admit, and I feel a pang of guilt. Should I be talking about him like this? "Niall?" she gasps in a sarcastic way. "Yeah. You're not surprised then?" I tilt my head to the side; I tend to do it when I'm confused. "No. I've seen pictures. He has quite a few tattoos. Maybe more than Harry or Zayn." she says. How could I not know that? I guess I need to catch up on my Twist and Yikes! magazines.

After a solid forty-five minutes, I have told Jenny all about yesterday. "Wow. Why would Niall out of all of the boys be rude?" Jenny asks, and I shrug. That's what I asked myself last night. "I guess we may never find out. That party sure does sound like fun, though." she adds, and I get the idea of asking her to come along with me. "Would you like to come with me?" I ask my female acquaintance. "Would Harry mind?" she asks. "No, I wouldn't think so. He's so friendly." I smile, and Jenny does this also. "Then I would be delighted to come, what time? And where?" "It starts at 7:00 I think. And it's at Harry's house, which is right across from mine." I give her directions and she smiles. "Can't wait! I better get home and plan what I'm going to wear, and maybe get some shut-eye while I'm at it." she hugs me and leaves. I sit alone in my work-space, waiting for tonight.

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