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I walk away from school, but my problems follow me close behind. I walk until I get to my house, throwing my bag in a random bush and keep walking past. I walk for what seems like forever until I find myself outside a particular house. Taehyung's house. I growl at it and walk right past it. I walk all the way until I find a bridge.

I look down, the small river flows beneath me. "So, what are you going to do?" I hear someone say behind me. I jump and turn around, Melanie is standing there, her hands stuffed into her pockets. "I saw you leave the school, decided to see where you'd end up," she says. I don't say anything, I just look back at the water. 

"This friend of yours, was he nice?" I ask, Melanie smiles and for the first time, I see a hint of happiness in her eyes as she looks up to the sky. "The nicest boy you'd ever meet," she answers, "what did he say to you? When you were sitting on the edge of the building?" I ask. "He came and sat next to me, he said, if you jump, everyone down there will cry, while I sit up here and care," Melanie recalls. I nod, not taking my eyes off the water. I grab the railing and jump over it so now I was standing on the tiny bit of ground past the railing.

"I-if your friend was here, now, what would you say to him?" I ask, leaning out so I could see more of the water. "I... I would wrap him up in my arms, I'd tell him I'll miss him but, I know how cruel this world is and he knows what he needs. I'd just wish him the best," Melanie says, holding back tears. "A-and now, if I was him, right now, what would you say?" I ask, leaning out further. "People down below are going to cry but while you fall your going to see the people who care."

"O-okay," I whisper, the river churned a bit with the weather and rain drops started to fall. "M-Melanie, w-what are you going to say to me?" I ask, finally look over at her. "You might make it you know? And you know what? I sure hope you do," she says, giving me a sad smile. I nod shakily, "i-if I don't... make it... can you tell Taehyung and everyone I'm sorry? A-and that I love them?" I ask. Melanie nods, a single tears rolls down her cheek.

I lean out further so only my fingers were holding on, then I turn around, so I could see the sky as I fall. I let go with one hand, slowly letting my other finger's slip. I fall back, the wind rushing through my hair, I raise my hand up to the sky. I see Taehyung's face, my mother crying, all my friend's flash before my eyes.

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