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I look out the window, the afternoon sun shines through the window, I look out at the passing cars, "what are you going to do?" Taehyung asks, walking up behind me and giving me a back hug. I sigh, "I... I should go home," I whisper, Taehyung hums, "are you sure?" he asks. "N-no, I don't know what will happen," I whisper again. I hear the sound of a camera clicking, I look over, Seokjin had taken a photo. I see out my peripheral vision that Taehyung was putting up his hand, signaling for Seokjin to stop.

I turn around, "Taehyung, I can't stay here forever and, as much as I hate to admit it, I can't leave my father," I sigh. "Jungkook, what do YOU want to do? Not what you THINK you have to do," Taehyung asks. "I... I want to go home, not to my house... home..." I say. Taehyung hugs me, I hug him back and sigh. "I'll take you back to your house, IF you want me too, other wise you can stay here until you find a place to stay, or you know what you want to do," Taehyung says, playing with my hair in the hug. 

I sigh, I couldn't leave my mother with my monster of a father, "she doesn't deserve the beatings that she's probably getting right now, you do," a voice in my head snarls. "I... I think I should go home," I whisper. "Are you sure?" Taehyung asks. "NO! NO YOU'RE NOT SURE! NO THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL YOU'RE SURE OF ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!" I scream at myself inside my head. "Yes, I'm sure," I say quietly. Taehyung nods and lets go of me, "lets go then, I'll get your clothes," Taehyung says to me, smiling. I nod and go get my unclean clothes. "When you get home, will you be okay?" Taehyung asks, "will you eat? Will you-," I just shake my head, cutting him off. 

We walk in silence the rest of the way until we get to my front gate, I turn to Taehyung, I give him a hug. Taehyung rocks slightly, "it'll be okay," Taehyung whispers, "I... I don't know if I will," I admit. Taehyung hugs me tighter, "hey, you gotta stay alive, Hoseok's pictures are depending on it," Taehyung jokes. I give him a short laugh before walking up to the front step, shakily grabbing my keys out my pocket and unlocking the door. I wave Taehyung one last goodbye before walking into the hell hole. 

I quietly walk up the stairs, trying not to make a noise, "I'm not going to take your fucking shit anymore," a deep voice says from behind me. I jump and slowly turn around, "h-hi Dad," I stutter. "You're not so strong anymore, what happened?" He smirked, "nothing happened, but as much as I don't want to admit it, you're my dad and I can't leave you... yet," I spit the 'yet' part. "But believe me, when I do get the chance, I will leave your ass in the dust," I growl at him, he slaps me across the face, I fall back with the impact. 

My father grabs my hair and pulls me up, looking me in the eye. "Look you little bitch, as long as you live under my roof, you'll be worth nothing, you must do everything I tell you and if you are to speak out... well then I guess you'll have to watch your ass." He gives me a final smirk before throwing me into a wall, making me hit my head. Dad turns around and starts to walk away as I start to get up. Without warning he turns around and kicks me in the rib cadge with as much force as he could.

I scream in agony, there was a defining cracking noise. "That's what little bitches get when they speak out," my father spits. He kicks me again, this time twice as hard in my stomach, "they get nothing except pain and regret, and you are a perfect example of a BITCH!" My father snarls, he continues to kick me, sparing no mercy. He finally stops after spitting on me, "clean your shit up," he growls. He was referring to the blood he just kicked out of me. I hold onto my rib cadge, I could feel that it was definitely broken.

I try to stand up but my legs fail me. I groan in pain as I drag myself to my room, pulling my phone out my pocket and dialing 112. "How may I help you today?" A voice greets me when the phone is picked up. "I need an ambulance!" I manage to gasp, "what is your address?" The person asks. "12 ******* Drive!" I gasp, "there will be an ambulance with you in a minute, while you are waiting just steadily breath," the person tells me. 

After a few minutes I could hear the ambulance outside my house door. I cough up blood for the fifteenth time, my vision starting to fail me. I could feel my entire body shutting down on me, there was the sound of footsteps running up the stairs. I felt someone slowly turn me so I was facing the ceiling. I could barely see all the faces around me, I just closed my eyes, hopefully I would never wake up.

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