Out of Context, Asgore's Hobby Seems Questionable

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Snowdin was cold. That's how Snowdin naturally was. But with the citizens all gone, save a few shop keepers and Sans, it seemed even more so to Asgore.

He had come here often. On walks, late at night for deliveries, and to check up on the Royal Guard every once in a while. He felt a special closeness to this place. It was the last place he had seen his wife before she had disappeared.

Alphys had told him about Sans locking himself in his home. It was understandable after losing his only family. The king himself had made lots of rash decisions after his children had died. What would have happened if he hadn't made those decisions?

Asgore forced himself to focus on the door in front of him. He knocked. If Sans was home, Asgore was positive he wouldn't answer. He waited out of consideration.

One minute...

Two minutes....

As expected, if Sans was inside, he had no intention of opening the door. "Sans, are you in there?" Asgore knocked again.

No answer.

That was fine. As king, it was expected of you to have a plan B, and Asgore had had plenty of practice.

He climbed up to the roof. His cape got in the way slightly, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Why monsters even had chimneys was a point of concern, seeing as they used magic to heat their homes. Yet Asgore had to admit, it made his hobby much easier then climbing through a window.

"K-king Asgore?" He heard a yell from the ground. He looked down to see a duck monster staring up at him. "What are you doing on the skeletons' roof?"

"I... er.. lost my wallet." He really should have been more prepared for this sort of thing.

It had been decades since he had seen Toriel, yet he knew exactly what she would say. "What were you thinking, climbing on the roof midday?"

"You lost your wallet on a roof?" The monster tipped his head to the side.

"N-no. Of course not. I was just getting a better view from up here." He leaned against the chimney acting as nonchalant as he could. Pretending to slip, he threw himself down headfirst.

"Woah! The king fell into your house, Sans! " Asgore heard the duck bang on the door as he landed with a thud.


Sans grumbled as he stood to his feet. Being woken up by a knock like Asgore's was bad enough, but having his house broken into and some guy yelling outside, trying to kick down the door was just plain rude. They could've at least given him a moment to let his face dry from his dream.

He swung the door open, glaring at him with a frown. His old drinking buddy stepped back in fear. "U-um... Th-the king..." He stuttered as his foot slipped on the step. He landed in the snow with an "oof."

"look, i got a huge headache, so can you stop yelling on my porch?" Sans half wanted to throw him in a snow bank, but felt like that was a bad idea. So long as they left him alone, he had no right to be mean.

He closed the door before letting them reply, and turned to Asgore. The boss monster was gawking at the mess Sans had made in the living room. The skeleton leaned against the door, too tired to stsnd on his own, and too pissed to relax on the couch.

Sans cleared his throat to catch the king's attention. "Ah. Sorry about that, Sans. I need to talk to you."

"get out." Sans didn't care much about being polite to Asgore. The king, unlike the monster at the door, knew exactly what Sans wanted. He had broken into the house because he knew Sans would want to be left alone, and wouldn't answer the door.

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