Chapter 10: New perspectives

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I ran down the hall. The tips of my wings grazing the low ceiling. My eyes scanned the dimly lit halls in search of the exit onto the deck. Tears of anger threatened to spill out. Turning a corner I crashed into Isla.

"Joshua!" She exclaimed. Her wings waving about as she regained her balance. "Where did you dissa-"

"Why did you do it." I growled.


"Why did you attack them!" I yelled as I shoved her.

"Hey!" She shoved me right back. Her expression softened when her gaze met mine. "What happened?"

She tried to place a hand on my shoulder but I stepped away.

"Why did you- we attack them? They were just a deportment ship full of normal people! The elf soldier knew this was going to happen. Muir knew that. So why? Why would we attack a ship full of innocent people?!"

"Joshua calm down." She said grabbing my arm.

"How can I be calm! How are you calm!?"

"Take a deep breath or I will knock the air right out of your lungs." She threatened. I glared at her and clenched my fists.

"Good." She nodded. "Now before you go back to flying off the handle, how about you let me talk eh?"

I shrugged out of her grasp and crossed my arms, continuing to glare.

"Now listen, you're a smart kid. You know this ship is Viridian right? Well, Viridi is the homeland of the elves and I am just guessing here but you didn't see a single elf while you have been on board, have you?"

My brows furrowed as I thought about it.

"That's because they were never on the ship. Other than the sailing crew, who are in with the hostages, the elves were never on board."


"It goes like this. Somebody within the Royal guard system, a higher up probably, has made a deal with a few Notosians. They sold these people to pirates, to be carried off to Notos as slaves or future gladiators. Once the ship was out of view of the Domum port it was boarded by the Notosians. We weren't attacking the civilians Joshua, we were saving them from the Caiths."

"Wait, the Caiths are from Notos?" I rubbed my forehead.

Why is this so complicated?

"Yeah, they're pirates." Isla chuckled.

"Aren't we pirates?"

"No. We are pirates to the pirates."

I sat on the floor and held my head in my hands.

"Let me get this straight. We attacked the people who attacked the ship?"

Isla nodded.

"Ugh! Why is this so complicated!!" I groaned.

She knelt down in front of me. Her hammer clinked against her belt.

"You really do just run on impulse. I thought Muir was joking." She chuckled.

"Shut up." I grumbled.

We sat in silence. My fingers played with the heavy pendant around my neck.

"How are you feeling?" Isla asked.

"Never better." I drawled sarcastically.

"Hang in there kiddo."

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