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The empty halls of the great castle echoed with the quickened footsteps of the elf as they hurried through the night. Never faltering except to stop by a large portrait hung on the wall.
Tilting their head they admired it for a moment. Shadows from the night distorted the image, but the elf could see the six figures as clearly as the day it was painted.

The smallest of sighs escaped their lips as they turned on their heel and continued on. Should they be caught tonight, it would mean their death. Though it was not just theirs at risk, this was more than an individual.

Worth more.

They slipped through a small corridor and descended further into darkness. Step by step the air cooled around them. Light became scarce and the oily comfort of shadows embraced the tall figure. Small soothing sounds reached their rounded ears. It was as though thousands of tiny voices were humming a haunted melody. The elf whispered under their breath and a small orb of light appeared in their hand. Casting cautious glances behind them, they held the orb in the air. Hanging on the wall was a great unfinished tapestry. Woven with colours so bright. Images too realistic, anyone could see it was a product of magic. The Tapestry of Life. A mystery that would remain until the end of time as it wove the fate of the world thread by thread. The elf followed the mass of fabric until they reached the end. There, small threads entwined as though thousands of invisible needles were pulling them. The elf stretched out a hand. Fingers brushing against the tapestry. It was as soft as silk, smooth as honey and lighter than a cloud. The elf looked up  and watched as the magic threads wove in and out. Slowly and surely painting a picture.

A fae.

The elf reached around their neck and removed one of their two necklaces. The only difference between the two pendants was a crack splitting the one she still wore. Holding the golden medallion up, they held it against the tapestry. The voices hummed louder and tendrils came out to wrap around the heavy pendant. Holding it close, the threads manoeuvred the long chain until it appeared as though the image of the faerie was wearing it. The pendant seemed to shimmer until that's all it was. An embroidered image of what was once an object of magic. The threads of magic continued their journey to completing the shadowy image of the haunting faerie's butterfly wings.

A silent tear slipped out of the elf's eye. Her brilliant hazel eyes shimmering in the pale light of the glowing orb.

"Save them." She whispered. "Do what I, and so many others failed to do. Bring peace. Save them all."

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