Chapter 7: The Crew

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In my frustration, I had only dragged the plant across the hall into my closet. I could barely lift it off the ground enough to move it. The small distance had left me breathless. Sending a glare back towards the kitchen, I cursed the old mage inside.

However heavy the pot was, I was pleased to admit that I could actually move it. If I had been back in the human world I would have needed a forklift to carry the plant. I hopped around the pot and pulled a few barrels from the closet. Holding my breath I unplugged it and carefully poured two drops of tonic into the goo. Carefully letting out my breath I sniffed at the barrel. It didn't exactly have a scent, however it was no longer pungent which was a definite improvement.

Getting to work, I added the 'soap' to the barrel of clothes and set out washing the rest of the room. I scrubbed the floor and the walls until it wasn't coated with muck and dust. I shook out the hammock and rehung it. There were a few rips in it that I attempted to close using the cords in the cupboard.

I was halfway done hanging the wet laundry on the ropes across the ceiling when the ship rocked violently. Slipping forward, I dropped the shirt I was holding and used the wall for support. Dropping the shirt back in the water I walked to the door and creaked it open. There was no one in the hall.

I carefully slipped into the hallway and closed the door to the closet behind me. Peeking into the kitchen I saw that everything had been cleared and Vale was nowhere to be seen. Stepping back into the hall I made my way onto the deck. Everything was in silent chaos. Santino was at the helm, Nyx was bent over a large stretch of parchment with the blue bird perched on his shoulder, pointing at spots on the paper with its claws. They seemed deep in hushed discussion, unperturbed as a large scaly beast popped up next to them.

It leaped over the rails in one jump, shrinking to about the size of a large dog when it's front claws hit the deck. In its mouth was a strange wrench looking tool. It bounded past me and below deck.

I jumped out of the way and stared after it as the tip of its long scaly tail disappeared. Isla was zipping around through the sails and tangles of rope. When she zoomed past I felt my wings being pushed by a strong breeze that followed. Not a person uttered a word to each other and their seamless cooperation was amazing. Like a well oiled machine, the crew dutifully did their jobs. There many things different about the ship now.

Instead of gliding across the surface of the water. The prow of the ship sliced a the waves at an alarming rate. Like an unshakeable force the Vigilante sailed forward. I had no idea why there was a sudden change in atmosphere. The full, almost docile mood had transformed. The air seemed to crackle with tension. An elf jogged past, followed brusquely by Vale. The mage didn't even spare me a glance as he passed.

"Vale!" I called out. His head snapped around at the almost harsh sound amongst the silence and he motioned me forwards.

"What are you doing on deck?" He questioned.

"I felt the ship move..."

"Get back below deck before you get yourself in trouble." He hissed at me.

"Why?" I stood my ground.

"Because we are reaching the rendezvous point and things are about to get messy. You are untrained and unprepared for this. Stay out of sight."

"Untrained for what!?" I growled back, staring him down.

"Untrained for combat."

"Vale, we need to get the barrier up." The elf prompted. I glanced at him and was almost shocked by his small size. He stood a solid two feet shorter than the mage. His wispy blond hair falling over his face. His gaze flicked in my direction with annoyance.

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