Chapter 5: Ship's Boy

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Here is a suggestion for all of you lovely folks out there. If you have been in a dark environment for an extended period of time. DO NOT. I repeat. DO NOT, walk right outside with your eyes wide open into broad daylight.

Pain and suffering awaits.

"Arghh!!! My eyes! " I slapped my hand over my face as I was blinded by the sun.

"Oh no! Watch your feet!!" Octavia shrieked. I stumbled forwards. Out of fear of stepping on the little brownie I tried to step to the side instead. My wings hit the door frame and the I went sprawling on the ground. Laughter rang from all around as I lay there in pain. A small finger poked my cheek.

"Hey, are you alive?" Octavia asked quietly.

"Leave me here to die." I replied dramatically, never removing my hands from my face.

A gruff voice chuckled and I was yanked to my feet by a giant hand.

"Oi there, you alright?"

I peeked through my fingers and blinked rapidly while my vision cleared. A large fluffy face and huge teeth came into view.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed. Flailing my arms wildly at the beast as I tried to fight him off.

"Woah. Calm down little Fae, I didn't mean to startle you." The giant furry creature said. I paused long enough to ask.

"What are you?"

It flashed my a large toothy grin.

"Wouldn't you like to know." It teased. I studied it's strange face. It looked like a bear and a linx had a crazy love child. If that love child was seven feet tall and canines as long as my fingers. It's fur was a dappled grey with black bands surrounding the slanted yellow eyes.

"Santino! Cut it out!." Octavia said. We both glanced down and the beast (Santino?) reached down to extend his hand. Octavia climbed on and he stood again.

"Anything for you little miss." He set her on his shoulder and crossed his arms. "So this is the Fae that Muir took an interest in?"

"Yep! Kind of dumb if you ask me. But I can't judge him, he's not really from around here." Octavia replied.

Two face little twat. I thought grumpily.

"'He' is right here thank you very much." I crossed my arms and glared at them.

"I like him already." Santino commented.

"Well the feeling isn't mutual." I muttered.

Santino grinned, which looked more like baring his teeth.

"Isla!" He barked. "Tell Nyx the kid's awake."

"Do it yourself fuzzball!" A voice shouted back from the mast. I squinted and spotted another Fae securing a line. She was hovering amongst the sails, halfway to the top, her great wings beating the wind.

"Nope! I'm off duty."

The faerie dove lower.

"I can think of several ways you might enjoy your free time." Isla smirked suggestively. Hunching his shoulders as though he that was going to block out the faerie. "Let me know if you need any company." She sang at his back.

Santino growled and muttered something along the lines of insufferable vixen. He gave a mock salute to Octavia before setting her on my shoulder and slipping in through the door I had just exited. He had to duck to fit under the door frame, nearly hitting his head in his desperation to escape. Octavia sat on my shoulder as I watched the retreat in form of the giant.

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