Chapter 6: Vale

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I explored the cleaning closet with vigour.

Though closet wasn't the proper word, as ironic as it may be. It was very spacious room for a boat. The small entrance was just a little wooden crook, tucked under the stairs that led to the upper deck. Most of the room was empty,  long ropes stretching across the low lying roof in a cross cross pattern. A few odd pieces of clothing were hanging on them and even more were crumpled on the floor. A few baskets and buckets were complied along the wall, old dirty laundry piling out of them. Dust and grime coated the floor. Clearly no one had taken up the duties of a ship's boy in quite some time. Tucked along one wall was a tall shelf and cupboard. It consisted of an assortment of strange tools, mops, brooms, buckets etc.

I pulled open the cupboard and took out all of the different sized spools of thread, stacks of rags and towels, extra fabric for the sails and tools to sew. There were also a dozen little barrels of unknown liquid. Uncorking one, I cautiously sniffed it.

A pungent smell hit me, sickly sweet but so strong my eyes started watering. I shoved the stopper back into the hole.


Waving my hand in front of my face I tried to clear my sinuses. Octavia had showed me the large room and said that everything I would need would be here. She had also given me directions (which I had long since forgotten) on how to get to the the sleeping quarters... or whatever they were called. I would have to run errands there as well as clean. However, I was putting that off for as long as possible to avoid seeing Santino. I didn't fancy meeting the bear-like creature again. My hammock was actually in this closet, hanging along the rear wall, with a little chest for my belongings. Octavia had also told me that if I was hungry I could go to the kitchen, just below deck. I reorganized the shelves, tucking the little barrels of stinky stuff in the back. Sitting back on my heels I thought about my list of chores. They were actually really simple; scrub the deck, repair any damage to the sails, clean the barracks, do the laundry, run errands for the crew and assist the cook with whatever he needs. Couldn't be too hard right?

I felt like a bloody maid.

At least I am a very good looking maid.

There is always a silver lining.

Speaking of linings, the bottom edge of the hull along the floor was lined with small portholes. The cool sea breeze stirred the dust on the floor and occasionally water splashed through. In a small  pool and was able to see completely how much I had changed. My hair was still the same muddy black, but my brown skin was smoother, all blemishes were gone. My eyes had changed from black to a pale blue. I had also grown taller.

I brushed off the dust that had stuck to the bottom of my wings and got to work. Collecting all of the random clothing I piled it into one basket. I found a large barrel and made sure there were no holes in it. I was planning on soaking these clothes while I cleaned the rest of the room. Octavia had showed me how to get water out of a tap-like thing in the wall. Apparently we used the ballast water, which was clean, from a large holding area near the front of the ship. I was not entirely sure how they make sure it didn't empty, but I was honestly too scared to ask. Filling up the bottom of the large barrel I washed it out. I dumped the dirty water on the floor to be mopped up later. Refilling the barrel again, I dumped the dirty clothes in it.

I need soap.

Searching the room again, I couldn't find anything that would pass for a cleaning anything. Stepping out of the closet (lol), I wandered down the stairs to the kitchen area. Stepping into the kitchen I froze. The strange figure copied me from where he crouched on the table in the middle of the room. A biscuit of sorts was shoved in his mouth and he was holding two more. Spiky white and blue hair stuck up in every direction as he blinked at me. He sort of resembled Gollum, squatting and hunched over. His eyes sparked as he leaped off the table, shifting midair.

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