Chapter 24 Home

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

She said she had something she needed to tell me. I could tell something had weighing on her mind for a while, but I felt like the words coming out of her mouth were just a jumbled mess. For once, I wasn't the one who wasn't making any sense. That is, until she said those words.

"Tae....I....I found her. Or rather, I found myself....Lilly....I'm a part of her. Or more like she's a part of me. I've always dreamt of life that wasnt the one I was living, I just never realized that it was hers, until I came here and met you."

I could feel the anger welling up inside of me. After everything I had done for her, how dare she mock me in such a way and play with my agony? How dare she claim to be my Lilly?

"Please, please believe me. She pleaded, but I couldn't find words for her. Nothing I could say could possibly convey what I was feeling.

For a moment I had let the walls crumble that I had spent so long building up, and she took advantage of that. In a single moment, everything came back to get me.

"How dare you?" I finally mustered under my breath.

"What?" Ember replied.

"How dare you!" I said as I raised my voice. "How dare you use my Lilly against me? What did you think you would do, huh? Did you think it would be funny to toy with me? To play a trick on the biggest trickster of all?" Is that what you wanted?" I said as I moved towards her, the space between us growing smaller.

"What? You don't have any words to say now? What about this part of the game, Ember?"

"Taehyung, do you really think I would lie to you about all this? I had something to lose, too! I left Jin for you. This isn't a game. I know it's hard to understand, but did you even think for a second that this could be a possibility? You spent your entire life searching for her, what did you think you were going to do when you found her? Did you think that she would just walk back into your life the same way she was when she left it?" Ember yelled.

"No!" I shouted back at her. "Stop pretending like you know anything, Ember. You don't! You don't know what it feels like to be searching for someone for years. And then when you finally let yourself walk away from it, the person you thought you knew throws it all in your face!"

My rage was growing to an amount I almost couldn't control. I could feel my sanity about to slip away from me again.

I began to walk around the room, desperately trying to hold on to my mind as it was being played with from a person who I thought I could trust.

"Make her pay." I felt myself whisper.

"No. You're not that person anymore. We can't go back to that."

"What....are you scared?"

My mind was going around and around. I didn't know how to handle this. I loved her......but how could she do this to me?

"Taehyung?" I felt Ember walk up behind me, and try to comfort me as she put her hand on my shoulder.

I couldn't look at her. I didn't want to see that innocent looking face and feel the pain all over again.

"Get out." I said under my breath. I felt as if I had used all my energy just to keep my mind my own.

"Taehyung. Please." She persisted.

"I said get out." I said with my tone growing louder.

"I'm not leaving. I'm not going to walk away from you. From us. You fought for Lilly and I'm going to fight for you. I love you." She said as she put her other hand on my shoulder.

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