Chapter 12 Mistake

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Jin's P. O. V.

I heard Ember call out to me but I just kept walking. I didn't understand how she could just throw me to the side as if I didn't matter to her. I thought we had the beginning of something special. Had I read her wrong?

The night air was cold as I walked through the streets to my house. I thought about going back, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was hurting. Even though it had been a short amount of time since I had met her, I already cared so much about her. She was...perfect. Or so I thought.

Why couldn't she tell me where she was? Is she involved with someone else? Oh God, please don't let that be the case.

Do you know how it feels to see an angel walk into a room? I do. If only you could have seen her walk into Joe's Diner that first day. She was perfect. Her long dark brown hair shaped her face perfectly and when her big blue eyes looked at me I thought I was going to lose my mind.

I had waited my whole life to find someone like her. Smart, funny, kind, beautiful. It felt like fate had brought us together.

How stupid was I for walking away from everything I had ever wanted?

Sleep eluded me that night. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her sweet touch that gave me goosebumps. Her witty comebacks to anyone's comment and that little smirk she'd give when she knew what she said was funny. My heart soared and my stomach fluttered.

I knew I needed to see her again. I couldn't let things ends the way the had. I couldn't just walk away. I mean, I know I did, but I can't stay away. I don't even care what she was doing that night, I just need her. I don't care if she feels the same way or not. I can just be her best friend if that's all she wants from me. I just don't want to live a life without her in it. I can't live a life without her. She had my heart. I was under her spell and I didn't care to break it.

Like they say, love is blind.

I started to come up with a plan, a plan to apologize to her and let her know how I felt about her. I just couldn't hide it anymore. I didn't want to. I was ready to jump of the edge and never look back.

The morning sun had finally arrived and I greeted it happily. I got dressed in my favorite pink button up shirt with some jeans and looked in the mirror. "Handsome." I thought to myself as I walked out the door and headed to the flower shop.

As I walked down the sidewalk I pulled out my phone and sent Ember a text, hoping she'd forgive me.

*Hey Ember. I'm sorry about last night. Can we talk?


"One dozen pink roses, please." I asked the florist as I leaned on the counter of the flower shop.

"Either you've got someone really special you're trying to win brownie points for or you really messed something up." She laughed.

"Sometimes in life you get to meet your soulmate and you just have to let them know." I said with a smile.

"Well that is one lucky woman."

"More like I'm one lucky man."

She handed me the bouquet and I walked out of the shop. Still no response from her.

*I understand that I hurt you. I was in the wrong. Just please let me make it up to you.


I put my phone away and walked to the diner a couple buildings down to grab my car that I had left there last night. The thought of Ember and holding hands and walking down the street came into my mind and I couldn't help but smile. Oh how I hope she will forgive me.

I got in the car and set the roses in the passenger seat and drove towards the hotel. Driving down the road I looked around at the building and the people that occupied them. This little town once seemed so bland to me, but now it had been put in color. I finally felt like I had met the one that held me to this planet.

I pulled up to the hotel and I put the car in park and sat there idling. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. Still no notifications. "Maybe she's sleeping and hasn't seen my texts. I'll just give her a call."

*Hey, this is Ember. Sorry I'm not answering right now. I'm probably just staring at my phone ringing. Leave me a message and I'll send you a text.*

"Hey Ember. I'm not sure if you got my texts or not. I'm really sorry about last night. Just...uh...just call me back please."

I waited in my car for what felt like an eternity, just hoping for my phone to ring, but nothing.

"Ok, I'm just going to go in and knock on her door and see her face to face. I understand why she's ignoring me. It's what I did to her." I thought to myself as I turned off the ignition and got out of the car. I grabbed the roses, shut my door and walked through the spinning doors into the hotel lobby.

"Oh, why hello there, Jin!" Sydney exclaimed as she waved at me.

"Hey Sydney. How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing just lovely! How are you?"

"I'm doing good, thanks." I said as I walked down the hall towards Ember's room. I heard her call something out to me, but I couldn't understand what she said, and I was too antsy to turn back and ask her what she had said. She's a great girl, she really is, but sometimes she's just a bit....over the top.

I stopped in front of her door and took a deep breath. I was full of anxiety and butterflies. I knew what I wanted to tell her and I wanted her to reciprocate it more than anything, but I knew there was a chance I had ruined everything. "Jin, you're ready for this. Even if she just slaps you and slams the door in your face, you're ready." I thought to myself as I lifted my hand to knock on the door.

*knock knock*

*knock knock knock*

I stood there anxiously waiting to see her beautiful face but all I saw was the old door in front of me.

*knock knock knock*

"That's weird. I know she's angry at me, but I at least thought she's open up the door."

I walked back down the hallway to the lobby of the hotel.

"Sydney, is Ember here?" I asked hoping she'd say that she had just gone out for a walk or something.

"Not that I know of. She left this morning and hasn't been back since."

"Oh. Ok, thanks." I said with disappointment.

"Where could she be?" I thought to myself.

As I started to walk back out to my car I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket. I quickly grabbed it and saw that it was Ember.

"Ember! I'm so glad you called! Where are yo-" my question was cut short by an deep and unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line.

"Hello Jin, I just thought you'd like to have one last goodbye before little Miss Ember leaves town...for good." The voice laughed.

"What? What are you talking about? Who are you? Where is Ember?" I said frantically.

"Let's just say, Ember and I are getting to be real great friends, aren't we sweetheart?"

I could hear the screams of Ember in the background.

"Shut up!" I heard him yell with the sound of a smack and then the phone disconnected.

"No!" I yelled at my phone, as if it would magically change everything I had just heard. I closed my eyes as tight as I could and reopened them hoping this was all just a bad dream and that'd I'd wake up on my couch.

It wasn't just a dream, it was reality, but reality had become an nightmare in an instant. I dropped the roses on the concrete beneath my feed and ran to my car and drove to the police station like my life depended on it. It did though, Ember had become my life.

I couldn't feel anything but numbness as I ran into the station.

"He has Ember....."


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