Chapter 7 Murder

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"Want to go to the Diner with me in the morning and get breakfast?" Jin asked as he walked out the door of my hotel room.

"I'd love to." I responded with a smile.

"Ten o'clock?"

"Perfect." I said.

"Why yes I am." Jin said teasingly.

"Oh no, I was talking about myself." I snapped back mischievously

"Well I can't argue that, now can I?"

I blushed. He sure had a way of doing that.

"Bye, Jin."

"Goodnight Miss Ember. Sleep tight and have some sweet dreams."

I shut the door and walked around the room for a moment, not sure what to do with myself. I couldn't help but smile though. "Could he be any sweeter?" I thought to myself.

I felt something move behind me. I paused for a moment. I could feel his presence. I knew he was back. I slowly turned around and I saw the Jester standing in the shadows again.

"Well well well, someone has been seeing some lip action, now, haven't they?"

"How long have you been watching me?" I asked

"Sweetheart, I'm always, tell me, have you done what I asked you to?"

"I thought you were always watching me, wouldn't you know if I had done it?" I replied back smugly.

"Answer my question."

"No. I haven't."

"Oh come on now, you don't have time help your friend?" He said as he moved closer to me.

"Ember....I need you to do this for me." The Jester said to me almost frantically, moving even closer.

The chills that were slowly becoming my friend returned and ran up and down my back.

"I will find her. I promise." I felt myself say.

"Good. That's what I want to hear. Now get to it."

He turned to jump out of my window, but something inside me couldn't let him leave, but how could I make him stay?

"I had I dream." I yelled to him

He stopped and turned to me "Why would I care about you having a dream? You're human, they happen." He said angered that I had interrupted his exit.

"It was about you."

His interest peaked
"Interesting. Tell me more about this dream."

"You're not as crazy as people think you are, are you?" I asked avoiding his question.

"Your dream, Ember. Tell me your dream." The Jester demanded.

"Taehyung, it's your name, isn't it?" I asked hoping that my dream had some sort of meaning and that it wasn't just something my brain had conjured up.

"That's a name I haven't heard in a long time." I heard him say quietly to himself. "How do you know that?"

"I, I don't know." I answered realizing I had been correct.

"Maybe you're a little crazier than I thought you were." He said while letting out that famous laugh of his. He moved towards me. His face next to mine, I closed my eyes, I could feel his breath on my neck "Listen here, Ember. I'll let you call me Taehyung, but it's gotta stay our little secret, ok?" The Jester whispered in my ear.

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