Chapter 9 Accusations

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"This is literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever experienced." I said to Sydney as she sat across from me in the booth of Joe's Diner

"First of all, I've never even hurt a fly, a mosquito, sure, but nothing more. Like I'd be capable of taking the life of another human being? And secondly, why in the world is the whole entire town taking care of this instead of the police? I understand they've all been through a lot lately, but to accuse a person of such a major thing without any cause other than I left my hotel room in the middle of the night? I promise you Sydney, I didn't, nor could I ever, do this." I said very seriously.

"You know I want to believe you Ember, but I saw you leave and you have no alibi."

"I told you, I went out for a candy bar."

"Ember, just stop it. They've already talked to the clerk and checked the surveillance camera at the convenience store and you didn't show up at all last night."

I had an alibi. I was with the Jester, but I couldn't tell them that because the consequences of that would probably outweigh the current situation. I couldn't involve him. I knew I needed to protect him, so I guess I'll let myself take the fall for something if that's what he needs to happen. I just want him to be ok. I need him to ok.

"Ember, you're going to take the fall for murder just to protect a crazy man? What in the world have you become?" I thought to myself.

It was as if I had turned into a new person since coming to Harriotsville and meeting the Jester. The old Ember almost hanging on by a thread. Maybe this is the kind of crazy The Jester does to people. I feel like I'm losing who I was, but I kind of like who I am becoming. It's starting to be a thrill for a part of me. Like that part of me was trapped away and is coming out into the light.

"I don't know what else to tell you other than I absolutely one hundred percent did not kill that poor girl." I said with a sigh. "But if that isn't going to work, just take me and be done with it all."

That's when Jin walked through door. I felt like I could breathe again. He quieted my mind and brought me peace and comfort.

"What's all the commotion about?" Jin said with a smiles as he stood next to the table and looked at me and Sydney.

We both just looked at him.

"What's going on?" He asked realizing the seriousness of the situation.

"Why don't you tell him, Sydney?" I said smugly.

"This doesn't involve you, Jin. It's best you leave before the police get here. I don't want you getting dragged into this mess." Sydney replied

"No, that's not how Ember and I work. I'm staying, whatever the situation is. She'd do the same for me." Jin said as he sat down next to me.

"Ok. Well I guess you're not going to cooperate, so I'll just let the police handle this.." Sydney said as she got up from the booth. "Just remember Ember, you could have avoided everything that's about to come your way."

I just stared at her. I felt betrayed. Not that we knew each other long, but she had began to feel like a friend. Maybe The Jester was right, you can't trust anyone.

"So are you going to tell me what's going on?" Jin asked me.

"They think I killed someone." I said almost not even believing what I had just said.

"What?" He said shocked "What would make them think such a thing?"

"Sydney saw me leave the hotel last night and I and when I didn't didn't go back she got suspicious because it lined up with the time of the murder."

"Well where were you?"

"Jin, I promise you I didn't it."

"Of course I know you didn't. But that's not what I you. I asked where you were."

Right as Jin finished his sentence two officers walked into the diner.

"Where is she?" I heard one of them ask Mary.

"She's over there." She said as she pointed towards me.

"Ms. Johnston?" One of the officers asked me.


"Would you be willing to come with us and answer some questions? We don't have anything solid to go off of yet, so you're not under arrest, but we'd really appreciate if you did. You know, get to the bottom of things."

"Of course. Whatever you need from me." I responded.

"Ok. You can ride with us."

I smiled politely and stood up and started to walk with them to their car.

"I'll meet you there." Jin said to me.

"No, Jin. It's fine. Please go home. I don't want you to get dragged into this mess."

"Ember, I'm a big Boy, I can handle it. He said with a smile.

"Ok. Thank you."

His support meant more to me than he could possibly know. I just hope he stays.....

We arrived at the police station not long after we left the diner. As we walked inside I saw Jin pull up in his car.

The two officers brought me to a room that had a desk full of paperwork and a nameplate that said 'Chief Tidewaller'.

"Please, sit down." Said the officer who had to have been the owner of the desk.

"Ok. Now, let's have a little chat, shall we?"

Chief Tidewaller took a seat behind the desk while the other stood by the door.

"Ok, Ms. Johnston, let's just get to the nitty gritty. where were you on the night in question?"

"I just took a stroll around town to get some fresh air and clear my thoughts."

"Did you come across Nicoletta?"

"No. I don't even know what she looked like."

He wrote something down on a piece of paper. I'm assuming it was notes of my answers.

"Ok. Well did you walk by the alley behind the movie theater on 13th street?"

"I might have. I mean, it could have been possible. I was just out walking. I don't really remember where I went."


More scribbles went down on the paper. My palms started to sweat and I was growing more nervous by the second. I've never been good at lying like this.

"So, you say you didn't see Nicoletta last night, yet you don't have an alibi saying otherwise?"

"What are you trying to say?" I snapped.

"You know what I'm trying to say here."

Right as Chief Tidewaller finished his sentence a woman started to speak over his radio.

"Yeah, talk to me." He said replying into his radio.
"I'm at the station with Ms. Johnston and Deputy Stratton, why?"
"Really? Where?"
"Ok, we will be right there."

"They found another body. At the old brick house on the edge of town." He said to officer Stratton as he stood up from his desk and started walking out of the room hastily.

"I'm not through with you yet." He said as he stared and pointed at me.

"Well it sounds like you have to be." I replied.


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