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Dans and Phil continued to spend every moment together for the next week. Phil stopped letting Matt push him around, but that drove a wedge in their relationship. Phil and Matt were still hanging out, but they never talked.

"It's like he's lost all feelings for me." Phil said to Dan while walking home one night.

"He's an arse, Phil." Dan said.

"You've told me that every day since we've been hanging out." Phil said.

"And I'll continue to say it until you break up with him."

"Then you'll be talking for a very long time." Phil said.

"Why are you even with him?" Dan asked.

"He makes me happy!" Phil said.

"Yeah, when he's not making you miserable." Dan said, getting riled up. "He made you stop taking your meds, tries to have sex with you, abuses you, and doesn't even talk to you."

"But when that's not happening, he makes me happy."

"Phil this type of relationship is not healthy." Dan said.

"At least it is a relationship." Phil said.

"What?" Dan asked.

"All my friends are dating girls. I'm the only gay one. They've always picked on me for not being able to find a guy. And they've finally stopped now that I have Matt."

"So you've been peer pressured into dating him?"

"Essentially yes...." Phil mumbled.



"Did you even know Matt's name before your friends introduced you?" Dan asked.

"Not really..."

"Fucking hell, Phil. You need to dump his arse."

"But what about my friends?"

"They're shitty friends if they don't value your mental and physical health over your relationship status." Dan said. 'Just date me, you loser. Can't you tell that I'm in love with you?' Dan thought.

"They would just want me to get with another guy." Phil said.

"Okay, let's make a list." Dan said. "List every guy that you think is attractive and I'll go up tomorrow and ask if they're gay."

"Are we actually doing this?" Phil said.

"Yeah, why not? As long as I can get you out of Matt's clutches I don't care. So come on, give me some names!"

Phil racked his mind, but all his mind screamed 'Daniel James Howell. The boy standing right next to me. My best friend I'm utterly in love with. The boy I knew I loved since the moment he played that damn piano. Daniel Howell. It's you. It's you that I love.'

But all Phil said was "Can't think of any."

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