| Chapter Thirteen | Aaron Storm

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It was dark and quiet. Too quiet, yet inside the medium sized room were Seto and Wag. They were both tied up to metal posts at their sides. They were in a cave room at least, underground. So when Wag picked his head up, it was hard to breathe. His vision blurred and his head hurt. But his eyes open, like Seto, he was on his knees, his wrists tied to the two metal posts, Seto was on the other side of the room. But the only difference was, Seto, is still unconscious. Wag's vision cleared enough to finally be able to see him. He smiled a little.

"S-Seto." Wag said. Seto remained motionless, it was clear that if the posts weren't there, Seto would be laying on the floor. Wag pulls on his restraints, his memory is foggy. He doesn't remember how he got here or what happened. But he knew that he had to get out and fast. Wag looks over at Seto, his eyes adjust to the darkness. His eyes widen seeing wires stuck inside Seto's arms and soft pads stuck up his sides. He looks at the machines Seto's connected to, they were behind him. And none of them looked good at all. Seto's skin was pale as a ghost and his breathing was so shallow that Wag thought he might be dead. "Oh god, what did they do to you, Seto?" The only comfort that Wag had, or sort of a comfort, was Seto's struggle to breathe at all. At least he knew that Seto was alive, but wouldn't be for long. "Seto. Seto!" Seto's arm twitches. Seto moves to the right, Wag sighs with relief.

"O-Oh thank goodness. You have no idea how happy I am to see you move." Wag said. Seto doesn't speak or move anymore, making Wag nervous. "Seto?" Seto's eyes open, he picks his head up as much as he could. His strength was gone, every movement felt like a chore to him. Seto gives Wag a weak smile. Wag moves up onto his feet, the posts still having ahold of him.

"Hang on, Seto. I'll get you out of here, okay? Hang on." Wag said. Seto lets his head hang low again, he stares at the dry blood puddle underneath him, he knows that is his blood. After all, blood was running down his arms and sides from the wires' entry points. Wag falls to his knees in front of Seto, shocking Seto. 'How did he get out so fast?' Seto thought to himself. Seto rests his head on Wag's shoulder. Wag grabs the wires.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice said. Wag stops and looks behind him.

"What are you doing to him, Veronica?" Wag asks. Veronica chuckles and she flicks her wrist towards James.

"Come here, James. Let me look at you." Veronica said. Wag gets knocked to his feet and pulled over to her. Veronica grabs his arms, looking at his face. She smiles. She makes him walk backward as she moves towards him until his wrists get tied to the posts anything. But this time, sharp jagged metal was holding him, making it cut into his skin and bleed. She smiles, she pushes him down onto his knees. "Oh James, I don't get it. You already have dark energy in you and yet you aren't corrupted like Seto will be." Wag looks at Seto, Seto is still struggling to breathe, but he doesn't look good. And there is a cloaked figure over by him.

"Get away from him!" Wag shouted. The figure chuckles and turns around. Wag's eyes widen and then he grits his teeth. "Aaron." Aaron smiles at Wag, he turns back to Seto. Aaron Storm, leader of the Dark wizards, one of the very best in the dark arts. He kneels down in front of Seto, grabbing his chin. He lifts up Seto's head, seeing he is unconscious. Aaron frowns, he looks behind him.

"Veronica. Wake up, Seto." He said. She walks pass Wag and over to the machines that Seto hooked up to. Wag pulls on his restraints, looking at Seto. She pushes a switch up, a few seconds later, Seto screams, waking up. Wag's eyes widen, She pulls it down. Seto falls back limp, panting. Aaron grabs Seto's chin, lifting his head up so their eyes meet.

"Ahhh, there he is. How are you feeling, Seto? Any better?" Aaron asks. Aaron looks over at Wag. "You'll do what I'll ask."

"And why should I?" Wag asks. Aaron stands up, Seto hangs limp off the two posts. Aaron looks down at Seto.

"If you don't, James...Veronica.." Aaron said stepping away from Seto as she pushes up the switch. Wag's eyes widen as Seto screams.

"NO! Stop!" Wag shouted. Veronica pushes down the switch, turning it off. Aaron walks over to Wag.

"Do we understand each other?" Aaron asks. Wag stares at Seto, he looks away.

"Y-Yes," Wag mumbled. Aaron smiles.

"Good," Aaron said, Wag looks at Seto, Seto hunched over again. Wag grits his teeth together. 'I have to get us out of here.' Wag thought to himself.

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