| Chapter Two | The Skaldia Special Forces Team

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"He knows." I said to Jason. Jason looks away from me while Red of course has some comment to add. Red has dark red hair, a red hoodie with white fabric teeth along the hood, black pants, a dark red bandana around his neck, a sword at his side and red eyes.

"How does he know?" Red asks. I shrug my shoulders. Ross chuckles. Ross has black hair, a gray hoodie, pale skin, a white bandana around his neck, blue eyes, and dark brown boots.

"Us four can be hidden, unrecognizable. But the Prince can't. He's too well known, especially with his tattoo and his eyes. No one has yellow eyes but him and the deceased Queen of Skaldia." Ross said. I look away from them. I snuck out of the castle and to our training site, which is outside the Kingdom walls and in the Shigen Desert. Mostly because it is a way for me to get away from my father and it is out in the open where we can see if someone is listening in. Red suddenly yelps in surprise and I look over seeing an arrow in the sand between his legs.

"Wh-What the nether, Jason?!" Red yelled. I smile and look over at Jason.

"Oops, I missed." Jason said quietly. Jason is a skinny and the youngest guy here with lightly tanned skin, a dark blue jacket with no sleeves and reaches his calves, a black quiver along with a sword strapped to his back, chestnut brown messy hair, grey eyes, a dark blue bandana around his neck, a yellow star charm on a black chord around his neck, a white tunic with dark brown boots. Red gets up.

"You met to shot me?!" Red yelled. Jason looks over at me.

"The Israians are here, just outside the castle." Jason said. I look at him. Red, Ross, Ian, and me are the only ones that know about Jason's extra abilities. He can see for miles, also has a high resistance tolerance against magic of any form and regeneration. He never told us how he got them, but he isn't a wizard or anything. I look down at the sand, I'm suppose to go back. But I don't want to, I like having freedom. Princess Jessica would never leave me alone.

"Your fiancé is waiting for you, Prince." Ross teased. I'm almost tempted to grab the knife out of my boot and throw it at him. But I pull my bandana over my nose and stare at my arms. My jacket's sleeves are pushed up to my elbows. My medium sized sun black tattoo sticks out against my dark toned skin.

"If Ian was here, he would drag you there." Red said to me. I look at Red and see another arrow embed next to his arm in the sand making Red jump and Ross laughs. Red clenches his fists. "That's it!" He gets up and runs after Jason. Ross sits down next to me. Out of everyone here, I've known Ross the longest. He is a childhood friend, so is Ian but he came later. Ross chuckles watching them.

"Adam, is something the matter?" He asks me. I don't answer him, instead I just get up.

"I need to go." I said. He grabs my arm as I go passed him, stopping me. He gets up.

"It's Alesa isn't it?" He asks. I look at him. He smiles a little and lets go of me. "I see how you look at her, I think you like pushing her buttons." I look away from him and lower the bandana from my nose.

"It doesn't matter what you say. She's a servant, I couldn't if I wanted to." I say. Ross folds his arms at me.

"So you do like her?" Ross asks. I grit my teeth a little.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Prince." I said.

"Than who would be there for Skaldia?" Jason asks. I look at him. Jason smiles a little. "Face it Adam. If it wasn't for you, Skaldia would have died years ago. The people love you. Look, we are close on figuring out why the Dark Mages are appearing and disappearing in the Skaldian Castle." I look away.

"The Dark Mages are up to something. But anything magic isn't our problem by law, it is the job of the Light Sorcerers, the Magic Council, to deal with them." I said. Red punches my shoulder and I look at him before he grabs his hand shaking it.

"Who are you and what happened to our Adam? Captain of this team? The rumored tough Prince of Skaldia?" Red asks. I roll my eyes and I can't help but smile. They may not be much, but we are all friends, we fight together and are there for each other. We have gotten ourselves in some pretty hairy situations protecting Skaldia and all, but we have never left each other sides. I sigh. Ross puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh come on, Adam. We all knew this day would come, and I can speak for Ian when he says to get your ass to the castle before I drag you there myself." Ross said. Ian can be scary, he is my bodyguard and he is very good at his job. He has protected me, taken hits for me and kept me on track, especially during the time that my mother died he was there for me, all of them were. They are all like my family, my father not included at all because he would throw me out the chance he gets and he has plenty of times.

"Oh look, your are caught." Jason said. I look behind up, towards the Kingdom seeing Skaldian guards coming towards us. I heard Red laugh.

"You are busted." He said. I sigh and look at them.

"I'll see you guys later, I'm off to go ruin my life." I said.

"Look at bright side, Princess Jessica is kinda hot." Ross said. Yeah, I guess that is, but I don't care about looks. The guards catch up to us and I already know what they want before they speak.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm coming." I said walking pass them and towards the castle.

So how's the story so far? If you haven't already noticed, most of the story will be in Adam's P.O.V. But later in the story, there will be chapters when it is someone else's. But for now, it will be Adam's. I feel like this story is going to be considerably better, because I have the whole book planned out, I didn't plan anything on the older version (which has been deleted).

So I hope you guys will like this version better, bye! And thanks for reading!

End Of An Empire: A Skydoesminecraft/ YouTubers Story (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now