| Chapter Five | Tracking the Prince

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Sorry for the long wait! Here's the chapter! ;)

"You have already failed me once, Ross. Fail me again and it will be met with punishment." King Luther said. Ross nods, not looking at the King. The King turns, facing Ross. "Meanwhile, let my son live for a bit, right now, you are needed at the front lines." Ross looks at the King, confused.

"Front lines? We aren't at war with any country." He said. The King shakes his head.

"No. No we are not. Not yet. You will be heading Shivoa, we are finally ready to make a move on its shores and with King Zane's help, King Mitchell will have no idea what is coming to him because the world is currently at peace. Expect for whatever the hell the Light Mages are doing. But I want you and Ultyx to..take care of King Mitchell and his daughter during the invasion. Than you will be tracking down my son again and silencing him." King Luther said. Ross bites his bottom lip back. 'I can kill King Mitchell, no problem with that. But...I can't kill a six year old girl.' Ross thought. Ross nods.

"Of course, I will make sure that Shivoa falls." Ross said. King Luther smiles.

"Very good. Now, you are dismissed Ross." He said. Ross than proceeds out of the room.


Ian paces back and forth, Jason is on his knees surveying the ground for tracks.

"Can you hurry up?!" Ian snaps at Jason. Red walks pass Jason and stops Ian.

"How about you calm down than? You aren't helping Jason find Adam's tracks by yelling at him every three or five minutes." Red said. Ian Stapleton, he is a well known face in Inshire since he is always at Adam's side as a bodyguard and a friend. Ian has black hair, dark brown eyes hidden behind black sunglasses, slightly tanned skin, a black jacket with a white shirt and a dark green bandana hanging around his neck like most Skaldians have. He has a sword at his left side and a dagger hidden in one of his boots.

"Where's Ross?" Ian asks Red. Red shrugs his shoulders.

"Haven't seen him all day." Red said letting go of Ian.

"I'm gone for one week, one week, and this happens. I knew I should have never left him, I should have stayed with Adam." Ian said.

"Guys." Jason said. Red crosses his arms.

"Adam let you go, Ian. You--"

"GUYS!" Jason yells. Ian and Red look at Jason, Jason is holding a bloodied knife. Ian grab it, looking at it.

"He's hurt...and..I'm gonna kill Ross." Ian said. Jason grabs Ian's arm as Ian bolts. Ian looks at Jason.

"Ian...wait. He's bleeding, meaning tracks in the sand. We need to leave now while Adam's trail is still there." Jason said. He lets go of Ian. Ian turns towards Jason.

"But Ross. What Ross and the King were talking about. Shivoa--"

"Ian! I thought you wanted to find Adam. If we don't go now, we'll lose his trail and never find him. King Mitchell can handle himself, he's proved that many many times." Jason said. Red walks beside Ian and takes the knife.

"We'll deal with Ross later, right now...I wanna know where Adam is." Red said. Ian stares at Jason and than nods.

"Okay, lets go now." Ian said. Jason turns away from them.

"You gonna use your farsee the entire time, Jason?" Red asks. Jason shakes his head. 'No. I would get another migraine that way.' Jason thought.

"I already saw Adam, and..He's already in trouble. So we better hurry." Jason said before he took off. Ian and Red take off after Jason, running out of the abandon side of Skaldia.

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